Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See All What do SCOTUS, POTUS, and FLOTUS mean?
About mid-20th century, theDanishwordhygge(pronounced something like \HEW-guh\) began appearing in English writing, as a noun and adjective, to refer to cozy and comfortable surroundings that invoke an inner sense of contentment or well-being. The Danish word carries a similar meaning, and the...
Hygge definition: (especially in reference to the Danish lifestyle) the feeling of coziness and contentment evoked by simple comforts, as being wrapped in a blanket, having good conversations, enjoying food, etc.. See examples of HYGGE used in a sentence
Packing plenty of cake and coffee, JULIAN WELLEN paddles out on a Scandi adventure THE Scandinavians seem to have special words for everything and we love adopting them - from that old Swedish favourite, smorgasbord, to newcomers, such as the Danish hygge. Swede dreams are made of this The...
Define Danish language. Danish language synonyms, Danish language pronunciation, Danish language translation, English dictionary definition of Danish language. a. 1. Danish. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co
The meaning of DANISH is of, relating to, or characteristic of Denmark, the Danes, or the Danish language. How to use Danish in a sentence.
Still today, she can be found in The Danish Home's kitchen making smorrebrod with fellow auxiliary members at Summerfest each year and hosting the raffle table at monthly birthday parties. Denmark Native and Friend Knows Hygge of The Danish Home It's a newly opened Swedish cafe, with Scandinav...
* US consumers continue to embrace hygge, and in seeking to create a feeling of warmth, connection, and well-being in their homes and lives inspired by this Danish-born trend, they are cozying up to home scents more than ever before, according to data from The NPD Group. COMPETITION HEATS...
Define candle holder. candle holder synonyms, candle holder pronunciation, candle holder translation, English dictionary definition of candle holder. Noun 1. candle holder - a holder with sockets for candles candlestick candelabra, candelabrum - branched
Google Share on Facebook gemütlichkeit (redirected fromGezelligheid) ge·müt·lich·keit (gə-mo͞ot′lĭk-kīt′, -müt′lĭKH-) n. Warm friendliness; amicability. [German, fromgemütlich,congenial; seegemütlich.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition...