Related to Creole language: Pidgin languagecreolization (ˌkriːəʊlaɪˈzeɪʃən) or creolisation n 1. (Linguistics) linguistics (of a pidgin language) the process of becoming a creole 2. (Sociology) sociol the process of assimilation in which neighbouring cultures share cert...
The meaning of CREOLE is of or relating to Creoles or their language. How to use creole in a sentence.
a computer language Haitian Creole - a creole language spoken by most Haitians; based on French and various African languages Adj. 1. Creole - of or relating to a language that arises from contact between two other languages and has features of both; "Creole grammars" 2. Creole - of or ...
creole language noun(1) Example Sentences Advertisement [kree-ohllang-gwij] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun Also calledcre·ole.a language that stems either from apidginor from the mixing of two or more languages, and that has evolved an enriched vocabulary and grammatical structure and become the ...
Usuallycre·ole.creole language(def). thecreolizedFrench language of the descendants of the original settlers of Louisiana.CompareCajun(def2). Haitian Creole(def). Usuallycre·ole.Archaic.a Black person born in the Americas, as distinguished from one brought there from Africa. ...
1 [countable, uncountable] a language that is a combination of a European language with one or more other languages→ pidgin2 → Creole3 [uncountable] food prepared in the spicy strong-tasting style of the southern US shrimp creole—creole...
Pidgin Language Definition Haitian Creole Language Other Creole Languages Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions Which country speaks Creole language? Haiti is the country that has the largest number of speakers of a creole language. The language spoken there is called Haitian Creole. ...
The meaning of CREOLIZED LANGUAGE is a language resulting from the acquisition by a subordinate group of the language of a dominant group, with phonological changes, simplification of grammar, and an admixture of the subordinate group's vocabulary, and s
“Creole cooking” adjective of or relating to a language that arises from contact between two other languages and has features of both “Creole grammars” Pronunciation US /ˌkriˈoʊl/ UK /ˈkriəʊl/ Cite this entry Style: MLA "Creole." Dictionary, Vocabulary...
Creole cookery [uncountable, countable]a language formed when a mixture of a European language with a local language (especially an African language spoken by slaves in the West Indies) is spoken as a first language Most of the population speak a creole with a French-derived vocabulary. ...