What is the definition of corporate strategy?A corporate strategy entails a clearly defined, long-term vision that organizations set, seeking to create corporate value and motivate the workforce to implement the proper actions to achieve customer satisfaction. In addition, corporate strategy is a conti...
One of the most challenging aspects of corporate strategy is balancing the tradeoffs between risk and return across the firm. It’s important to have a holistic view of all the businesses combined and ensure that the desired levels of risk management and return generation are being pursued. Below...
2.A plan of action resulting from strategy or intended to accomplish a specific goal. See Synonyms atplan. 3.The art or skill of using stratagems in endeavors such as politics and business. [Frenchstratégie, from Greekstratēgiā,office of a general, fromstratēgos,general; seestratagem.] ...
In this strategy, the enterprise combines any or all of the three corporate strategies, so as to fulfil the firm’s requirements. The firm may choose to stabilize some areas of activity while expanding the other and retrenching the rest (loss-making ones). The primary focus on corporate-leve...
The board of directors must ensure that the company's corporate governance policies incorporate corporate strategy, risk management, accountability, transparency, and ethical business practices. A board of directors should consist of a diverse group of individuals, including those with matching business kn...
Co-branding is a marketing strategy that utilizes multiple brand names on a good or service as part of a strategic alliance.
Has the nature of work changed forever? What will the new ‘business as usual’ be? We think it will be hybrid working. Here’s why.
“Purpose is the statement of a company’s moral response to its broadly defined responsibilities, not an amoral plan for exploiting commercial opportunity.” Bartlett & Ghosal (1994): Beyond Strategy to Purpose Corporate purpose definitions that emphasize identity and creation of meaning “Purpose is...
Related to Corporate Acquisitions:Mergers and acquisitions ac·qui·si·tion (ăk′wĭ-zĭsh′ən) n. 1.The act of acquiring. 2.Something acquired or gained:added two new acquisitions to my library. [Middle Englishadquisicioun,attainment, from Latinacquisitiō, acquisitiōn-, fromacquisitus...
Levels of Business Strategy Corporate level strategy: Corporate level strategy is a long-range, action-oriented, integrated and comprehensive planformulated by the top management. It is used to ascertain business lines, expansion and growth, takeovers and mergers, diversification, integration, new areas...