1.Any theory or system that aims to combine the teachings of Christ with the teachings of socialism in their applications to life; Christianized socialism; esp., the principles of this nature advocated by F. D. Maurice, Charles Kingsley, and others in England about 1850. ...
In today’s First Reading, we see the spiritual house of the Church being built up, as the Apostles consecrate seven deacons so they can devote themselves more fully to the “ministry of the Word.” — Catholic Church (@catholicEW) May 10, 2020 Try using apostle! Which of the following...
[Middle Englishseint, from Old Frenchsaint, from Late Latinsānctus, from Latin,holy, past participle ofsancīre,to consecrate; seesak-inIndo-European roots.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company....
of human flesh. Although holy, angels could sometimes behave foolishly (Job 4:18), and even prove to be untrustworthy (Job 15:15). Probably these qualities led to the "fall" of some angels, including Satan, but the Bible contains no description of that event. When angels appeared in ...
wine: A beverage made of the fermented juice of any of various kinds of grapes, usually containing from 10 to 15 percent alcohol by volume.
Definitions of holy adjective belonging to or derived from or associated with a divine power synonyms: consecrate, consecrated, dedicated solemnly dedicated to or set apart for a high purpose beatified, blessed Roman Catholic; proclaimed one of the blessed and thus worthy of veneration Blessed...
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Hallow; Hallowed HALLOW; HALLOWED hal'-o, hal'-od, hal'-o-ed ("to render or treat as holy," Anglo-Saxon halgian, from halig, "holy"): It translates several forms of qadhash, "set apart," "devote," "consecrate," frequently rendered in ...
coadjutor to the Primus of the Scottish Church, suggesting that the bishops of Scotland should consecrate a bishop for America, and saying, "had my honored father's scheme for planting an Episcopal College, whereof he was to have been president, in the Summer Islands, not been sacrificed......
“Messiah” comes from the Hebrew word mashiach, meaning “anointed one” or “chosen one.” In Old Testament Israel, people were anointed with oil to consecrate themselves to God for a specific role. This practice began early. Aaron was anointed to be the first high priest of Israel in Le...
dedicate, devote, commit, consecrate, give - give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause; "She committed herself to the work of God"; "give one's talents to a good cause"; "consecrate your life to the church" relinquish, resign, give up, release, free - part with a posse...