compounding pharmacy compounding pharmacy Dictionary Thesaurus Financial Encyclopedia Wikipedia (kŏm′poun′dĭng) n. Afacilitywheredrugsarecompoundedorpreparedincustomizeddosagesorformulations,typicallyattherequestof aphysicianandforuseby anindividualpatient....
The meaning of PHARMACY is the art, practice, or profession of preparing, preserving, compounding, and dispensing medical drugs. How to use pharmacy in a sentence.
pharmacy noun phar·ma·cy ˈfär-mə-sē plural pharmacies 1 : the art, practice, or profession of preparing, preserving, compounding, and dispensing medical drugs 2 a : a place where medicines are compounded or dispensed a hospital pharmacy b : drugstore 3 : pharmacopo...
1.a benign retention cyst of the breast that shows a pale blue color. See alsocystic disease of breast. 2.a cyst due toendometriosis, found in healed wounds such as those of an episiotomy or an incision for a cesarean section; it is usually found in the vaginal fornix or on the cervix...
A pharmacy that engages in veterinary compounding has been embroiled in a struggle with FDA since it compounded a vitamin supplement for administration to 21 polo ponies during the U.S. Open Polo Championships in April 2009. When they were injected with the compounded ...
Compound sentencesare one of the four main sentence structures. They are made up of at least twoindependent clausesexpressing closely related ideas ofequal or similar importancethat are joined using a conjunction and/or punctuation. By using compound sentences, we can add variety to our writing an...
compounding pharmacy comprehension comprehensive assessment Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 comprehensive dental care Comprehensive Health Organization comprehensive medical care comprehensive metabolic panel compress compressed Compressed air compressed sponge ...
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Sterile Compounding in Pharmacy | Reasons & Tools Biotransformation of Drugs | Phases, Issues & Future Cholinergic Drugs: Definition, Classification & Examples Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR): Content & Use Start today. Try it now Introduction to Pharmacology 29 chapters | 250 lessons Ch...
It is recommended that just one prescription be prepared at one time. Clean surfaces should be used during compounding. Each piece of equipment must be thoroughly cleaned and dried before use. It should be created under the supervision of the doctor or in accordance with pharmacopoeia or formulary...