Marketing myopia is caused by a number of factors but primarily by businesses that focus on sales instead of customer needs. Other causes of marketing myopia are complacency in an industry as well as companies failing to predict the future. What is marketing myopia, and how can it be avoided...
work-up Wikipedia work-up [werk´up] the procedures done to arrive at a diagnosis, including history taking, laboratory tests, x-rays, and so on. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier...
He’s everywhere … like the mist, like some foul fog —William Diehl He was all over him, like a cheap suit —Mark Shields Penetrate [as through a barrier of complacency] … like the slippage of a dentist’s drill through novacaine —Clare Nowell ...
chances are the individual won’t act at all. There’s significant power in employees and customers acting at the moment or right “now.” Complacency, after all, is the enemy of progress.
The main reason to implement a policy of job retention is to add spice and variety to the work format so that the employee does not get bored and starts losing his focus in the workplace. It removes the monotonous nature of the job, minimizes boredom, and deletes complacency....
Retraining is often given to employees in an organisation that has been with them for a long time. It is to make them equipped with future needs and requirements once again to prevent complacency in the job. Retraining as the name suggests means training once again. ...
1.The hiring of more workers than necessary or the limiting of worker productivity in order to allow employment of more persons, usually as a result of a union contract with an employer. 2.The paying for services that are not actually performed, as in a union-imposed fee upon an employer...
elbow grease,exertion,effort,travail,sweat- use of physical or mental energy; hard work; "he got an A for effort"; "they managed only with great exertion" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
When a company follows the policy to let go of employees through staff turnover who are not giving their best, then it will minimize the habit of complacency in other employees. 5. Is an incentive to perform The staff turnover is a sign that the company is going to replace stagnant work...