The meaning of ANCESTOR is one from whom a person is descended and who is usually more remote in the line of descent than a grandparent. How to use ancestor in a sentence.
The meaning of COMMON is of or relating to a community at large : public. How to use common in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Common.
- An ancestor, also known as a forefather, fore-elder, or a forebear, is a parent or (recursively) the parent of an antecedent (i.e., a grandparent, great-grandparent...- The last universal common ancestor (LUCA) is the hypothesized common ancestral cell from which the three domains...
several languages that are derived from a commonancestor Latin is theancestorof Italian and French. — ancestral /ænˈsɛstrəl/adjective We returned to ourancestralhome [=the home of our ancestors] after many years.
(Logic)logica relation that holds betweenxandyif there is a chain of instances of a given relation leading fromxtoy.Thus the ancestral ofparent ofisancestor of,sincexis the ancestor ofyif and only ifxis a parent of…a parent of…a parent ofy ...
ANCESTOR, descents. One who has preceded another in a direct line of descent; an ascendant. In the common law, the word is understood as well of the immediate parents, as, of these that are higher; as may appear by the statute 25 Ed. III. De natis ultra mare, and so in the stat...
Ancestor n. 1. One from whom a person is descended, whether on the father's or mother's side, at any distance of time; a progenitor; a fore father. 2. (Biol.) An earlier type; a progenitor; as, this fossil animal is regarded as the ancestor of the horse. 3. (Law) One from...
Ancestor definition: a person from whom one is descended; forebear; progenitor.. See examples of ANCESTOR used in a sentence.
to have a common ancestor/enemy the need to cooperate to achieve a common goal We are working together for a common purpose. The various groups all learn Arabic, so they have a common language. common ownership of the land This decision was taken for the common good (= the advantage of ...
The meaning of FAMILY is the basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children; also : any of various social units differing from but regarded as equivalent to the traditional family. How to use family in a sentence. Wh