close contact EpidemiologyAnypersonwhohasbeeninintimatecontactforaperiodoftimewithapersonwithinfectiousTB McGraw-HillConciseDictionaryofModernMedicine.©2002byTheMcGraw-HillCompanies,Inc. Inpublichealthandinfectiousdiseases,anyonewhorepeatedlyandregularlysharesthelivingspaceofsomeonewithacontagiousdisease. ...
Opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback. Noun Those who had close contact with obviously sick or dead poultry/wild birds, or surfaces contaminated by them, are urged to contact their state or local health department. Vaness...
The meaning of CLOSE is to move so as to bar passage through something. How to use close in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Close.
Notably, the CDC’s factor analysis excluded whether the contact wore a face covering. It reasoned that because the “general public has not received training on proper selection and use of respiratory PPE, such as an N95, the determination of close contact should generally be made irrespective ...
CLOSE meaning: 1 : to move (a door, window, etc.) so that things cannot pass through an opening shut; 2 : to cover the opening of (something) shut reduce the internal diameter of (a tube or the like). shut in or surround on all sides; enclose; cover in: to close a bird in a cage. verb (used without object) closed,closing. to become closed;shut:This window is stuck and will not close tight. ...
as, to close the eyes; to close a door. 2. To bring together the parts of; to consolidate; as, to close the ranks of an army; – often used with up . 3. To bring to an end or period; to conclude; to complete; to finish; to end; to consummate; as, to close a...
Despite the earlier objections to it and probably largely because there is no other one-word verb in the language to express the same idea, this use of contact has become standard in all types of speech and writing. Contact as a noun meaning “a person through whom one can gain access ...
Define Official Contact. means the individual named on the “opportunity details” menu tab for the RFP serving as the official RFP contact person for the Province; and as initially set forth on the cover page of this RFP.
a.Connection or interaction; communication:still in contact with my former employer. b.Visual observation:The pilot made contact with the ship. c.Association; relationship:came into contact with new ideas at college. 3.A person who might be of use; a connection:The reporter met with her conta...