science (ˈsaɪəns) n 1.the systematic study of the nature and behaviour of the material and physical universe, based on observation, experiment, and measurement, and the formulation of laws to describe these facts in general terms ...
Definition, Classification and Nomenclature: A Clinical Overview - ScienceDirectMICHAEL SHEPHERDSchizophrenia Today
Increasingly, the classification of interstitial lung diseases depends on indirect tests that assess the amount of lymphocyte or PMN inflammation and macrophage activity in lung tissue (lung lavage, gallium lung scans, enzyme assays, and so on). Traditional parameters (clinical symptomatology, chest rad...
The meaning of TAXONOMY is the study of the general principles of scientific classification : systematics. How to use taxonomy in a sentence.
1 : the science of classification 2 a : a system of classification b : the classification and study of organisms with regard to their natural relationships : taxonomy Examples of systematics in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Examples are automatically compiled from online sources to...
Classification-31.Logicaldefinition:2.Descriptive(extended)definition Simpledefinition:formal,personal,logical Inthesimplestsense,todefineawordistoshowwhatclassorgroupthewordbelongstoandthenpointoutthebasicfeatureswhichdistinguishitfromothermembersofthesamegroup.Thetermtobedefined=Theclassthetermbelongsto+The...
Frank Lowy. (2009). Bacterial Classification, Structure and Function. Moshtaq Talip Al-mohanna. (2016). Morphology and Classification of Bacteria. ResearchGate. Waleed Eldars. (2015). General Bacteriology. Links
The classification of and the tests used for its diagnosis were brought into order by the National Data Group of the USA and the second World Health Organization Expert Committee on in 1979 and 1980. Apart from minor modifications by WHO in 1985, little has been changed since that time. Ther...
The meaning of BIOINFORMATICS is the collection, classification, storage, and analysis of biochemical and biological information using computers especially as applied to molecular genetics and genomics. How to use bioinformatics in a sentence.
The meaning of ANTHROPOLOGY is the science of human beings; especially : the study of human beings and their ancestors through time and space and in relation to physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture. The Origin of Anthropolo