Noun1.civil authority- a person who exercises authority over civilian affairs civil officer authority- (usually plural) persons who exercise (administrative) control over others; "the authorities have issued a curfew" city manager,mayor- the head of a city government ...
the civil government of Italy, as contrasted with the papal government of the Vatican.—Quirinal,adj. regalism the tenets of royal supremacy, especially in church affairs. republicanism the principles of a theory of government in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to...
The meaning of CIVIL RIGHTS is rights that citizens are guaranteed by their government through legislation or other government action to ensure equal opportunities (as for employment, education, housing, or voting) and equal protection under the law rega
governmentally -ᵊl-ē adverb Legal Definition government noun gov·ern·mentˈgə-vər-mənt, -vərn- 1 :the act or process of governing specifically:authoritative direction or control 2 :the office, authority, or function of governing ...
or a government interferes with the protected rights of others. The various civil rights laws have made it illegal to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. Discrimination that interferes withvoting rightsand equality of opportunity in education...
Performing the duties of a citizen; obedient to government; – said of an individual. Civil men come nearer the saints of God than others; they come within a step or two of heaven. Preston 4. Having the manners of one dwelling in a city, as opposed to those of savages or rustics...
civil liberty noun the freedom of a citizen to exercise customary rights, as of speech or assembly, without unwarranted or arbitrary interference by the government. such a right as guaranteed by the laws of a country, as in the U.S. by the Bill of Rights....
Within the Government, such information shall be restricted to those having a legitimate interest. Within the Government, procurement is not a well-established function in the civil service. Within the Government, the figure is 37 per cent, and there are seven women out of 19 ministers. ...
Civil rights, guarantees of equal social opportunities and equal protection under the law regardless of race, religion, or other personal characteristics. Examples of civil rights include the right to vote, the right to a fair trial, the right to a publi
The definition of civilwarclearlyencompassesmany different forms of conflict. Some analysts distinguish between civil wars in whichinsurgentsseek territorial secession orautonomyand conflicts in which insurgents aim for control of the central government. Conflicts over government control may involve insurgents...