centre of curvature Thesaurus n (Mathematics) the point on the normal at a given point on a curve on the concave side of the curve whose distance from the point on the curve is equal to the radius of curvature Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Ha...
3.(Mathematics)geometrythe change in inclination of a tangent to a curve over unit length of arc. For a circle or sphere it is the reciprocal of the radius. See alsoradius of curvature,centre of curvature 4.the act of curving or the state or degree of being curved or bent ...
Centre A formerrégionofFrance, now named Centre-Val de Loire Translations region Chinese: Mandarin:中央(zh)(Zhōngyāng) French:Centre(fr)m German:Centre(de)n Italian:Centro Japanese:サントル(Santoru) Russian:Центрm(Centr) ...
The meaning of CENTER is the point around which a circle or sphere is described; broadly : a point that is related to a geometrical figure in such a way that for any point on the figure there is another point on the figure such that a straight line joini
:the middle part (as of a stage) 4 :a player occupying a middle position on a team Medical Definition center noun cen·ter variantsor chiefly Britishcentre ˈsent-ər :a group of nerve cells having a common function the brain stem's respiratorycenter ...
Center of curvature of a curve (Geom.), the center of that circle which has at any given point of the curve closer contact with the curve than has any other circle whatever. See Circle. Center of a fleet, the division or column between the van and rear, or between the weather ...
Centre of gravity definition: the point through which the resultant of the gravitational forces on a body always acts. See examples of CENTRE OF GRAVITY used in a sentence.
I Effects of magnetism on spacetime curvature, and implications Quotes from Cosmic magnetism, curvature and the expansion dynamics: "Most interestingly, the coupling between magnetism and geometry implies that even weak fields have a significant impact if the curvature contribution is strong." "The ...
(Fig. 3), we could add some 2D constraints on width and curvature: the width of curvilinear region is constant along the axis, implying: ( ) Moreover the local curvature γ (t ) should be also constant along the axis, and the boundaries are locally parallel and symmetric about the ...
he characterized theintrinsicproperties of curves and surfaces. For instance, he showed that the intrinsiccurvatureof acylinderis the same as that of a plane, as can be seen by cutting a cylinder along its axis and flattening, but not the same as that of asphere, which cannot be flattened ...