Define CBD. CBD synonyms, CBD pronunciation, CBD translation, English dictionary definition of CBD. abbr. 1. cash before delivery 2. central business district American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by
- Latitude (previously known as the "Ernst & Young Tower at Latitude") is a skys***er in Sydney's CBD, part of the World Square complex bounded by George...- largely south of the Antarctic Circle (one of the five major circles of latitude that mark maps of the world), Antarctica ...
(Physical Geography) a small low island or bank composed of sand and coral fragments, esp in the Caribbean area. Also called:key [C18: from Spanishcayo,probably from Old Frenchquaiquay] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, ...
He or she might instead repudiate the contract, tender back what he or she has received, and recover what he or she has parted with, or its value; the adoption of one remedy, however, excludes the other.A contract obtained by duress can be rescinded, and in such a case, the same ...
Examples of Concentric Zones Lesson Summary FAQs Activities What are the 5 concentric zones? The five concentric zones are the central business district (CBD), the industrial zone, the working-class zone, the residential zone, and the commuter zone. In between the industrial zone and the work...
Complete blood count Lab medicine The automated analysis of certain parameters of the cells in the circulation, as performed by an automated cell counter–eg RBCs, WBCs, platelets, Hb, Hct, mean corpuscular Hct, Hb, RBC volume and WBC differential count, dividing them into lymphocytes, monocytes...
Geography Biological interaction with other organisms Figure 5: Factors influencing the distribution of biodiversity. Image Credit:Kathlyn Benson Latitudinal gradients Latitudesare theparallel lines to the equator; while the equator is 0°, the latitudes range till 90°, the farthest one being 90°. ...
Cash in Advance Commonly abbreviated CIA. Atransactionin which the good or service is paid in full before the good is delivered or the service is rendered. It is also called cash before delivery (CBD) and cash with order. Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserv...
Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Wikipedia. COURT, SUPREME. Supreme court is the name of a court having jurisdiction over all other courts Vide Courts of the United States. SUPREME. That which is superior to all other things; as the supreme power of the state, which is an authority over ... lessen in force or intensity; make less severe:to mitigate the harshness of a punishment. make milder or more gentle; mollify. v.i. become milder; lessen in severity. [1375–1425; < Latinmītigātus,past participle ofmītigāreto calm, soothe =mīt(is)mild +-igāre(se...