Twitter Google Share on Facebook big tent (redirected fromCatch all (political party)) big tent n. A group, especially a political coalition, that accommodates people who have a wide range of beliefs, principles, or backgrounds. big′-tent′adj. ...
Define catchall. catchall synonyms, catchall pronunciation, catchall translation, English dictionary definition of catchall. n. 1. A receptacle or storage area for odds and ends. 2. Something that encompasses a wide variety of items or situations: a word
The meaning of CATCHALL is something designed or serving to catch, hold, account for, or include miscellaneous items or a wide variety of things —often used before another noun. How to use catchall in a sentence.
The meaning of CATCH is to capture or seize especially after pursuit. How to use catch in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Catch.
Assert.notNull(beanDefinition,"BeanDefinition must not be null");if(beanDefinitioninstanceofAbstractBeanDefinition) {try{//校验((AbstractBeanDefinition) beanDefinition).validate(); }catch(BeanDefinitionValidationException ex) {thrownewBeanDefinitionStoreException(beanDefinition.getResourceDescription(), bean...
catch catch-up time catchphrase catchup catechism categorematic categorise categorize caterwaul Cathartes aura cathedral catholic catnap cats catwalk caucus cauldron caution cavalier cavalry cave caveat caviar Caviidae cavil cbs cdc Ce cede celibate cello cellphone cellulose Celosia censer censorship censure ...
to catch or be afflicted with; come down with or suffer from: He got malaria while living in the tropics. She gets butterflies before every performance. puzzle; irritate; annoy: Their silly remarks get me. understand; comprehend: ...
Culture Spotlight: Building Inclusive Teams with Varun Sharma, Manager of Customer Success Blog post Asking Better Questions Blog post Learning How to “See” Data Blog post Identity Resolution: Data Warehouse vs. Customer Data Platform Blog post ...
I just don't get the point of what you're saying. He didn't get the joke. I don't get what you mean. [+] more examples b : to hear and understand (something) I didn't quite get [=catch] his name. 17 a [linking verb] : become 1 My hands got dirty when I was wor...
For the 2024 tax year, the maximum allowable contribution is $4,150 for an individual plan or $8,300 for a family. The "catch-up" provision still applies.4Those contribution limits rise to a maximum of $4,300 for an individual plan or $8,550 for a family in 2025.7 ...