Cartesian product n 1. (Mathematics) maths logic the set of all ordered pairs of members of two given sets. The product A× B is the set of all pairs where a is a member of A and b is a member of B. Also called: cross product 2. (Logic) maths logic the set of all order...
The meaning of CARTESIAN PRODUCT is a set that is constructed from two given sets and comprises all pairs of elements such that the first element of the pair is from the first set and the second is from the second set.
The meaning of CARTESIAN PRODUCT is a set that is constructed from two given sets and comprises all pairs of elements such that the first element of the pair is from the first set and the second is from the second set.
Learn what a cartesian product is and how to find the cartesian product of two sets. Understand the cartesian product formula and its various rules...
, where a ∈ A and b ∈ B. it is important to note here that an ordered pair is not a set consisting of two elements. The ordering of the two elements in an ordered pair is important and the two elements need not be distinct. Now let us learn about the Cartesian product of sets...
Learn what is the Cartesian product of sets, how to find the Cartesian product of two sets, three sets along with examples and properties, here at BYJU’S today!
Cartesian product is the product of any twosets, but this product is actually ordered i.e, the resultant set contains all possible and ordered pairs such that the first element of the pair belongs to the first set and the second element belongs to the second set. Since their order of appe...
Definition 1.1 The Cartesian product of X,Y is X \times Y = \{(x,y) : x \in X, y \in Y\}.\\ Definition 1.2 A function f : X \to Y defines a relation R \subset X \times Y such that for all z \in X , …
(Geom.)a curve such that, for any point of the curve mr + m´r´ = c, where r and r´ are the distances of the point from the two foci and m, m´ and c are constant; - used by Descartes. See also:Cartesian Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G....
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