health care service 1.A business entity that provides inpatient or outpatient testing or treatment of human disease or dysfunction; dispensing of drugs or medical devices for treating human disease or dysfunction. 2.A procedure performed on a person for diagnosing or treating a disease. ...
Care Coordinatormeans the professional who assists members in care coordination as described in paragraph 78.53(1)“b.” Scheduling Coordinatoror “SC” means an entity certified by the CAISO as qualifying as a Scheduling Coordinator pursuant to the CAISO Tariff for the purposes of undertaking the ...
Advanced Health’s Behavioral Health Director began to set forth putting in place guidelines to ensure members with SPMI are not only connected with an appropriate Integrated Behavioral Health care team but also enrolled in Intensive Care Coordination Services (ICC), or Assertive Community Treatment (...
Mary K. Caffrey
The meaning of CONSULT is to have regard to : consider. How to use consult in a sentence. Confer vs. Consult
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1,2 This initiative—the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR) program—was designed to improve transitions of care and coordination across multiple health care professions and, therefore, reduce the number of episode payments associated with this commonly performed procedure. Accordingly, the ...
Having such a comprehensive look at a patient could avoid inappropriate care, reduce medication load, and improve the whole health of the patient. Care Coordination Between the Nephrology Nurse and the Payor: Working Together to Bridge the Gaps in Care for Patients with Kidney Disease Primary and...
Health technology assessment (HTA)provides systematic research of healthcare technology to evaluate the following: Safety Quality Access to care Legal, ethical, and social vulnerabilities Cost-effectiveness in healthcare Available technology Technologies will be assessed for their purpose and effectiveness. ...
improve the quality of healthcare while reducing costs; improve the coordination of care and information among hospitals, labs, physicians and other healthcare organizations; ensure that personal health records (PHR) remain secure; and promote the early detection, prevention and management of chronic ...