calm down - become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation; "After the fight both men need to cool off."; "It took a while after the baby was born for things to settle down again." chill out, cool it, cool off, simmer down, calm, settle down change state, turn - ...
Related to calmed down:calmest CALM CandesartanAndLisinoprilMicroalbuminuriastudy.Astudydesignedtoassessandcomparetheefficacyofcandesartan,lisinoprilandtheircombinationonbloodpressure(BP)andalbuminuriainhypertensivemicroalbuminuricdiabetics. Conclusion BothsystolicBPanddiastolicBPweresignificantlyreducedwithcandesartanorlisinopri...
The meaning of CALM is a period or condition of freedom from storms, high winds, or rough activity of water. How to use calm in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Calm.
Try to calm down. 4 : to or toward a lower position in a series seems to be far down on their agenda moved down in the pop charts 5 a : to or in a lower or worse condition or status students held down by a lack of social support b used to indicate thoroughness or co...
Where doescalmcome from? The first records of the termcalmcome from around 1350. It ultimately comes from the Greekkaûma, meaning “burning heat.” You might hear a few common phrases that use the termcalm. One iscalm down, which means “to make or become less agitated.” When you’...
4. (particle) used with many verbs when the result of the verb's action is to lower or destroy its object: pull down; knock down; bring down. 5. (particle) used with several verbs to indicate intensity or completion: calm down. 6. immediately: cash down. 7. on paper: write th...
Now, now, my good man, please calm down. Slang.a term of familiar address to a man or a woman: Hey, man, how's it going? one of the figures, disks, etc., used in playing certain games, as chess or checkers: You can move your men each turn diagonally forward, to the left or...
The slow temperament, which can affect about 15% of children, may involve the child feeling as though they must becautious when it comes to new experiences. They can take a bit of time to adjust. The child can be negative, but not entirely. They are usually calm in mood and tend to ...
The equation assumes the equilibrium federal funds rate of 2% above inflation, represented by the sum ofp(inflation rate) and the "2" on the far right. From that equilibrium, the federal funds rate is assumed to move up or down by half the difference between actual and targeted inflation, ...
DefinitionofNegotiation谈判的定义 Definition of Negotiation谈判的定义 Negotiating is part of everyday life. You negotiate far more than you realize. In a business or an administrative position, you do so when you’re dependent upon others for getting your ideas accepted, your goals accomplished or ...