Related to call-out:follow up on (kôl′out′) n. 1.An order or telephone call summoning a military unit, the police, or an emergency crew to a specified place. 2. a.A distinct area of text separated from the main text of a document to emphasize items of noteworthy attention. ...
The meaning of CALLOUT is the act or an instance of calling out. How to use callout in a sentence.
The meaning of CALLOUT is the act or an instance of calling out. How to use callout in a sentence.
Call out definition: an act or instance of calling out, or speaking in a loud voice.. See examples of CALL OUT used in a sentence.
Define call out for. call out for synonyms, call out for pronunciation, call out for translation, English dictionary definition of call out for. call out for. Translations. English: w>call out for vi +prep obj food verlangen; help rufen um. German / Deut
Callout Fee means the fee payable by You under a Plan which includes payment of a fixed amount in the event of a Callout, such amount shall be notified to You at the point when You take out the Agreement and/or when You contact Us to request the Callout.Sample...
Define Callout Fees. means additional fees applicable for a response to attend a situation between the hours of 4:30 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. on weekdays and at all times on weekends and statutory holidays that requires maintenance, repair or attendance to det
Whenthe caller(theSDKfrom your other questions) of your callback function will invoke it, it will attempt to populate itsNET_ITS_PLATE_RESULTargument (to the memory pointed by the argument if the argument is a pointer (most likely), or directly on the stack if it isn't), and therefore...
call in / into question, to dispute; challenge. to cast doubt upon; question: This report calls into question all previous research on the subject. in question, under consideration. in dispute. out of the question,not to be considered; unthinkable; impossible: ...
Define call. call synonyms, call pronunciation, call translation, English dictionary definition of call. v. called , call·ing , calls v. tr. 1. To say in a loud voice; announce: called my name from across the street; calling out numbers. 2. To demand or