from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License Latinclāmāre("to shout, proclaim, declare, cry out"); Latincalamitās("loss, damage; disaster"). Support The wordcalamityhas been adopted byDon Moyer. Help support Wordnik by adopting your own wordhere....
Define The holidays. The holidays synonyms, The holidays pronunciation, The holidays translation, English dictionary definition of The holidays. any fixed or usual period for relaxation or festivity; especially, Christmas and New Year's day with the inte
2. The government of a sovereign state. 3. A people who share common customs, origins, history, and frequently language; a nationality: "Historically the Ukrainians are an ancient nation which has persisted and survived through terrible calamity" (Robert Conquest). 4. a. A federation or tri...
The meaning of APOCALYPSE is one of the Jewish and Christian writings of 200 b.c. to a.d. 150 marked by pseudonymity, symbolic imagery, and the expectation of an imminent cosmic cataclysm in which God destroys the ruling powers of evil and raises the rig
and in the Mysore He will yet bring forth a new and gloriouscreation. In that country, at this present time, a terrible famine is making ravages. Even that calamity may be overruled for good. At all events it gives fresh emphasis to the call for all followers of Christ to enter in and...
ETYMOLOGY OF THE WORDBUIBUI From Swahili. Etymologyis the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY OFBUIBUI noun adjective verb adverb pronoun preposition conjunction determiner exclamation
) Of or pertaining to a nation; common to a whole people or race; public; general; as, a national government, language, dress, custom, calamity, etc. National (a.) Attached to one's own country or nation. Nationalism (n.) The state of being national; national attachment; nationality....
L. punio, from the root of poena,pain. The primary sense is to press or strain.1. To pain; to afflict with pain, loss or calamity for a crime or fault; primarily, to afflict with bodily pain, as to punish a thief with pillory or stripes; but the word is applied also to ...
reflect I felt an inward satisfaction which prevented any depression of my spirits: conscious of my integrity and anxious solicitude for the good of the service in which I had been engaged I found my mind wonderfully supported, and I began to conceive hopes, notwithstanding so heavy a calamity...
The messianic era is depicted as a time of great blessing via this imagery ( Joel 3:18 ; Amos 9:13 ; Zech 9:17 ). The destruction of wine is noted as a calamity in the life of Israel ( Deut 28:30-39 ; Isa 62:8 ; 65:21 ; Micah 6:15 ; Zeph 1:13 ). Believers in any ...