Define Major Occupancy. means the principal occupancy for which a building or part thereof is used or intended to be used and shall be deemed to include the subsidiary occupancies which are an integral part of the principal occupancy.
SC Permitsmeansall approvals, consents, registrations, franchises, permits, licenses, variances,certificates of occupancyandother authorizationswith regard tozoning, landmark, ecological, environmental,air quality, subdivision, planning, building or land userequired byanyapplicable Governmental Authorityforthe...
Define Red ape. Red ape synonyms, Red ape pronunciation, Red ape translation, English dictionary definition of Red ape. also o·rang·ou·tang n. Either of two large arboreal apes, Pongo pygmaeus of Borneo or P. abelii of Sumatra, having a shaggy reddish
1 m2 insulation at RSI=1 Part B: Building Envelope Thermal Insulation EPD Requirements, UL 10010-1 Thermafiber® Formaldehyde-Free Mineral Wool is a type of slag wool insulation product used in a variety of building applications, both residential and commercial, requiring the use of thermal ...
) A place or building for making observations on the heavenly bodies. Observatory (n.) A building fitted with instruments for making systematic observations of any particular class or series of natural phenomena. Observatory (n.) A place, as an elevated chamber, from which a view may be ...
Hi there! I am currently building a simulation to model the propagation of radio waves in seawater in terms of its propagation loss. I have previously discussed the models I've looked at but have settled on a model which depends primarily on the propagation distance ##r##, the carrier wave...
NRTI,nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor- an antiviral drug used against HIV; is incorporated into the DNA of the virus and stops the building process; results in incomplete DNA that cannot create a new virus; often used in combination with other drugs ...
1 m2 insulation at RSI=1 Part B: Building Envelope Thermal Insulation EPD Requirements, UL 10010-1 Thermafiber® Mineral Wool is a type of slag wool insulation product used in a variety of building applications, both residential and commercial, requiring the use of thermal insulation. 75 years...
Noun1.optical fiber- a very thin fiber made of glass that functions as a waveguide for light; used in bundles to transmit images glass fiber,glass fibre,optical fibre fiber optic cable,fibre optic cable- a cable made of optical fibers that can transmit large amounts of information at the ...
a place where gas is made.The gasworks is rather an ugly building.fábrica de gas Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. gasoline →gasolina Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009 gasoline ...