The meaning of BRINK is edge; especially : the edge at the top of a steep place. How to use brink in a sentence.
Word History First Known Use 1956, in the meaning definedabove Time Traveler The first known use ofbrinkmanshipwas in 1956 See more words from the same year Dictionary Entries Nearbrinkmanship brink brinkmanship Brinser See More Nearby Entries ...
a person who is skilled in or practices brinkmanship. Word History and Origins Origin ofbrinkman1 Discover More Example Sentences The third keg was found months after by John Brinkman, in the bottom of the river, two miles below the fort. ...
Despite the ongoing political brinkmanship in Washington over the debt ceiling, most debt ceiling showdowns end with a last-minute compromise and spending cuts. Former President Biden successfully made deals with Republicans in 2021 to pass critical legislation, most notablythe $1.2 trillion infrastruct...
Buck v. Bel in 1927 | Case Summary, Ruling & Significance Demagogue | Definition, Characteristics & Examples The 4th Amendment | Overview, Rights & Examples The Establishment Clause | Definition, History & Cases Apportionment: Definition, Methods & Process Brinkmanship Definition, Policy & ExamplesCre...
Word History and Origins Origin of banality1 First recorded in 1815–25; from French banalité, equivalent to banal ( def ) + -ity ( def )Discover More Example Sentences Everett speaks like a woman who recognizes the banality of the alternative. From Salon Despite their separation, this sligh...
The United States has a nearly-perfect credit rating of AAA from Standard & Poors, Aaa from Moody's, and AA+ from Fitch Ratings.15Fitch downgraded the United States' credit rating in August of 2023, due to rising levels of government debt and increasing brinkmanship in the country's debt ...
References in periodicals archive ? Yet we are not really offered any new insights into the set-pieces of Palmerston's statecraft: the independence of Belgium, the brinkmanship with Guizot, the Spanish marriages, the Don Pacifico incident, the 'hawks and doves' battle over British entry into the...
Undermining Bipartisanship In Cybersecurity As demonstrated by the New Orleans attack, there is a pressing need for a sharper focus on combating cyberterrorism and radicalization rather than engaging in political brinkmanship. Emil Sayegh, Forbes, 16 Jan. 2025 More than 58 percent of respondents repor...
As the conference approached its scheduled end this week, the U.N.’s climate chief chided negotiators for digging in their heels and wasting time with bluffing and brinkmanship. From Los Angeles Times Putin has previously warned that such a move from the US would amount to direct participation...