Britannica Dictionary definition of BRAIN DRAIN [singular] :a situation in which many educated or professional people leave a particular place or profession and move to another one that gives them better pay or living conditions Nothing has been done to stop thebrain drainas more and more doctors...
The meaning of BRAIN DRAIN is the departure of educated or professional people from one country, economic sector, or field for another usually for better pay or living conditions. How to use brain drain in a sentence.
Definitions include: a condition when one's mind is elsewhere and something is forgotten or done incorrectly because of it. brain-freeze Definitions include: a temporary headache caused by consuming something very cold. (show 21 more) Other terms relating to 'drain': circle the drain Definitions...
Explore brain drain. Learn the definition of brain drain and understand its reduction and causes. Discover various brain drain examples and see its...
The loss of tax revenue can be a consequence of brain drain. One of the best ways to reduce brain drain is to boost government investment in the local economy. Understanding Brain Drain Brain drain is the movement of people from one area to another. It often occurs between countries and ci...
brain drain(noun) storm drain(noun) 1drain/ˈdreɪn/verb drains;drained;draining Britannica Dictionary definition of DRAIN 1 a[+ object]:to remove (liquid) from something by letting it flow away or out Drainthe canned tomatoes before adding them to the pot. ...
brainfag brain fart Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024How to use brain drain in a sentence Spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid lamented the ongoing brain drain on Tuesday and said "we are not in favor of allowing Afghans to leave...
The meaning of DRAIN is to draw off (liquid) gradually or completely. How to use drain in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Drain.
Effects of Brain Drain The effects of brain drain can be significant on both the country losing talent and the country gaining it: Negative Impact on Home Country:Brain drain depletes the human capital and skilled workforce, hindering economic development and innovation. It can lead to a scarcity...
brain drain the loss of experts to another country (usuallyin search of better salariesetc).As a result of the brain drain Britain does not have enough doctors.fuga de cerebros ˈbrainwashverb to force (a person) to confessetcby putting great (psychological) pressure on him.The terrorists ...