(redirected fromdyscrasias) Dictionary Thesaurus [dis-kra´zhah] a condition related to a disease or pathologic state, usually referring to an imbalance of component elements. adj.,adjdyscrat´ic. blood dyscrasiaa pathologic condition of the blood, usually referring to a disorder of the cellu...
Dyscrasia:Any disease condition, especially inhematology, as in "blood dyscrasias." The term "dyscrasia" was borrowed from the Greek meaning "a bad mixture" referring to the ancient belief that an imbalance between the four humors - blood, phlegm, yellowbile, and black bile- which caused d...
Granulocytes, platelets, sodium, white blood cells:decreased levels Patient monitoring ☞Monitor CBC (including platelet count). Watch for evidence of blood dyscrasias. • Assess kidney and liver function tests. Stay alert for evidence of organ dysfunction. ...
leukocytecountor aplateletcount. Methods include manual counts using ahemacytometerand automated counts using aflow cytometer, aCoulter counter, or other means. The blood count is useful in the diagnosis of various blood dyscrasias, infections, or other abnormal conditions and is one of the most ...
- It is commonly classified as a form of plasma cell dyscrasia, similar to other plasma cell dyscrasias that, for example, lead to multiple myeloma. Waldenström...- also recommended to be alert for the occurrence of any potential blood dyscrasias. Furosemide works by decreasing the ...
automated counts using aflow cytometer, aCoulter counter, or other means. The blood count is useful in the diagnosis of various blood dyscrasias, infections, or other abnormal conditions and is one of the most common tests done on the blood. Called alsoblood cell count.(See accompanying table....
Twitter Google Share on Facebook dyskinesia (redirected fromdyscinesia) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia dys·ki·ne·sia (dĭs′kə-nē′zhə, -kī-) n. An impairment in the ability to control movements, characterized by spasmodic or repetitive motions or lack of coordination. ...
Examples of such medical events include allergic bronchospasm requiring intensive treatment in an emergency room or at home; blood dyscrasias or convulsions that do not result in hospitalization; or the development of drug dependency or abuse. 1.2.1 Life-threatening refers to immediate risk of death...
Watch for evidence of blood dyscrasias. ☞ Stay alert for signs of erythema multiforme. Report early signs before condition can progress to Stevens-Johnson syndrome. • Monitor patient for signs and symptoms of superinfection, including fever, tachycardia, and chills. ☞ Monitor liver function ...
☞Monitor CBC with white cell differential. Watch for evidence of blood dyscrasias. • Assess vital signs, ECG, and respiratory and cardiovascular status. • Monitor kidney and liver function tests. Measure fluid intake and output and evaluate fluid balance. ...