big business(noun) big businessnoun Britannica Dictionary definition of BIG BUSINESS [noncount] 1 :large companies considered together as a powerful group The tax proposal will be of most benefit tobig business. 2 :an activity or product that makes a large amount of money ...
Big business definition: large business, commercial, and financial firms taken collectively, especially when considered as a group having shared attitudes and goals and exercising control over economic policy, politics, etc.. See examples of BIG BUSINESS
big (bĭg) adj. big·ger, big·gest 1. a. Of considerable size, number, quantity, magnitude, or extent; large. See Synonyms at large. b. Having great strength or force: a big wind; in a big rage. c. Of great significance; momentous: a big decision; a big victory. 2. a...
1big/ˈbɪg/adjective bigger;biggest Britannica Dictionary definition of BIG 1 :large in size abighouse/room/field abigglass of soda He is abig[=tall and heavy] man. [+] more examples —see alsothe big cityatcity 2 :large in number or amount ...
big business in Business basics topic From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishˌbig ˈbusiness noun [uncountable] 1 very large companies, considered as a powerful group with a lot of influence2 a product or type of activity that people spend a lot of money on Dieting has become big ...
The meaning of BUSINESS is a usually commercial or mercantile activity engaged in as a means of livelihood : trade, line. How to use business in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Business.
Define business. business synonyms, business pronunciation, business translation, English dictionary definition of business. an occupation or trade; a concern: That’s none of your business.; commerce, company: My business is doing very well. Not to be c
The meaning of BUSINESS is a usually commercial or mercantile activity engaged in as a means of livelihood : trade, line. How to use business in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Business.
In the United States, small business is a big business. Up to 99.7% of all US companies—28 million in all—can be classified as small businesses.While the breadth of firms that fall under the definition of “small business” is expansive, it is by no means a default classification. Smal...
Define Big Dog Letter of Credit Usage. means, as of any date of determination thereof, the aggregate undrawn amount of all outstanding Letters of Credit issued for the account of Big Dog plus 100% of the amount of outstanding time drafts accepted by an U