3.(Languages) denoting or relating to Africa or any of its peoples, languages, nations, etc n 4.(Peoples) a native, inhabitant, or citizen of any of the countries of Africa 5.(Peoples) a member or descendant of any of the peoples of Africa, esp a Black person ...
Bantustan Bengali Berbers black Black person Burman C and W Cahenslyism communalism References in periodicals archive ? One of the limitations of this study is that is a cross-sectional study, although it allows us to study differences between age groups, a longitudinal study could provide more...
The meaning of HOMELAND is the native land or country of one's parents, one's ancestors, or oneself. How to use homeland in a sentence.
of University Education Act(1959). The Bantu Education Act was replaced by the Education and Training Act of 1979.Mandatorysegregation in education ended with the passage of theSouth African Schools Act in 1996, but decades of substandard education and barriers to entrance to historically white ...
Separate educational standards were established for nonwhites. TheBantu Education Act(1953) provided for the creation of state-run schools, which Black children were required to attend, with the goal of training the children for the manual labour and menial jobs that the government deemed suitable ...
Zulu: abantu a group of persons forming or belonging to a particular nation etc. Afrikaans: volk (af) Albanian: popull (sq) m Arabic: شَعْب (ar) m (šaʿb), نَاس pl (nās) Armenian: ժողովուրդ (hy) (žołovu...
... appearance the Bantu stand nearer in the scale of evolution to our common ape-like ancestors than do the white people does not seem to be warranted by facts. Careful investigations by trained observers all over the world have shown that the various simian features discernible in the anatom...
Hendrik Verwoerd, who became prime minister in 1958, refined apartheid policy further into a system he referred to as “separate development.” The Promotion of Bantu Self-Government Act of 1959 created 10 Bantu homelands known as Bantustans. Separating Black South Africans from each other enabled...
1 a :a Bantu-speaking people of the coastal area of Cameroun b :a member of such people 2 :the Bantu language of the Duala people used as a language of trade and education in Cameroun The Ultimate Dictionary Awaits Expand your vocabulary and dive deeper into language withMerriam-Webster Un...
Define stephead. stephead synonyms, stephead pronunciation, stephead translation, English dictionary definition of stephead. Noun 1. stephead - a headline with the top line flush left and succeeding lines indented to the right drop line, dropline, stagge