autobiography in the Literature topic by Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE | What you need to know about Literature: words, phrases and expressions | Literature
autobiography Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia au·to·bi·og·ra·phy (ô′tō-bī-ŏg′rə-fē)·to·bi·og·ra·phies The biography of a person written by that person. au′to·bi·og′ra·phern. au′to·bi′o·graph′ic(-bī′ə-grăf′ĭk),au′to·bi...
inclined to read poetry I take down my Dictionary. The poetry of words is quite as beautiful as that of sentences. The author may arrange the gems effectively, but their shape and lustre have been given by the attrition of the ages" [Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.The Autocrat's Autobiography] ...
Autobiographies are fairly common and known quantities in the world of literature. Memoirs are, too, but they are not as broad as autobiographies tend to be. This is key to understanding a memoir vs autobiography and how they tell their stories, which we go over below in our memoir definiti...
Which of the following is NOT considered to beliterature? A. a nature poem B. a science fiction novel C. a murder mystery television show D. a president’s autobiography Word of the Day January 25, 2025 pyrophoric [pahy-ruh-fawr-ik] ...
A biography is a description of a life that is not the author’s own, while an autobiography is the description of a writer’s own life. There can be some gray area, however, in the definition of biography when a ghostwriter is employed. A ghostwriter is an author who helps in the cr...
autobiography biography book comedy description drama fable fantasy feature fiction history information legend memoir myth narrative novel Word of the Day February 22, 2025 caliginous [kuh-lij-uh-nuhs] Meaning and examples Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox!
Autobiography (Nonfiction) Biography (Nonfiction) Essay Fast Food Nation Historical Writing Instructional Writing Literary Nonfiction Reference Works The Advancement of Learning The Feminine Mystique The Great Lawsuit The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House The Singularit...
in a scrapeIn trouble, in a fix, in a fine mess. I was generally the leader of the boys and sometimes led them into scrapes. (Benjamin Franklin,Autobiography, 1771) Several explanations have been offered as to the origin of this expression, which dates from the early 18th century. One ...
inclined to read poetry I take down my Dictionary. The poetry of words is quite as beautiful as that of sentences. The author may arrange the gems effectively, but their shape and lustre have been given by the attrition of the ages" [Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.The Autocrat's Autobiography] ...