atomic power, nuclear power - nuclear energy regarded as a source of electricity for the power grid (for civilian use) energy, free energy - (physics) a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the capacity of a physical system to do work; the units of energy are joules or ergs; "energy can ...
1.(General Physics) a constant value of energy in the distribution of energies among a number of atomic particles 2.(General Physics) the energy of a quantum state of a system. The termsenergy levelandenergy stateare often used loosely to meanquantum state. This is avoided in precise communi...
The meaning of ATOMIC ENERGY is energy that is created by splitting apart the nuclei of atoms : nuclear energy.
The meaning of ATOMIC is of, relating to, or concerned with atoms. How to use atomic in a sentence.
Energy.this component as the source of nuclear energy. a hypothetical particle of matter so minute as to admit of no division. anything extremely small; a minute quantity. Synonyms:whit,jot,iota,scintilla,speck,shred Discover More Word History and Origins ...
The International Atomic Energy Agency defines nuclear energy as "a form of energy released from the nucleus, the core of atoms, made up of protons and neutrons." What are common uses of nuclear energy? The most common use of nuclear energy is a controlled fission reaction of uranium in nuc...
Hyponyms ofenergy acoustic energy activation energy alternate energy alternative energy anisotropy energy atomic energy available energy barycentric energy binding energy bioenergy bond energy chemical energy cohesive energy collateral energy correlation energy ...
Atomic definition: of, pertaining to, resulting from, or using atoms, atomic energy, or atomic bombs. See examples of ATOMIC used in a sentence.
Decomposing the Hartree–Fock one-electron density matrix and a virtual pseudodensity matrix, we obtain an orthogonal set of normalized molecular orbitals with local character to be used in post-Hartree–Fock calculations. The applicability of the procedure is illustrated by calculating CCSD(T) energ...
The meaning of ENERGY is dynamic quality. How to use energy in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Energy.