to assault. to favor; like: It simply isn't the kind of life you would go for. to be used for the purpose of or be a substitute for: material that goes for silk. to assault; attack: He’s lucky I went at him with just my fists when I could have gone at him with a weapon....
The meaning of ASSAY is to analyze (something, such as an ore) for one or more specific components. How to use assay in a sentence. Did you know?
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins ...
In a sports context, aggression, which is often discussed as if it were synonymous with violence, can best be defined as an unprovoked physical or verbal assault. Aggressiveness, therefore, is the propensity to commit such an assault. In attempting to map patterns of violence, sociologists such...
and these events have only intensified the debate. In the wake of theSandy Hook Elementary School shootingin 2012, some, including Pres.Barack Obama, called for a renewed ban onassault weaponsand for tighter background checks. Others, chief among them theNational Rifle Association, resisted any ...
g. Brit. to leave a university, permanently or at the end of a term. 55. go down on, Vulgar Slang. to perform fellatio or cunnilingus on. 56. go for, a. to make an attempt at; try for: to go for a win. b. to assault. c. to favor; like. d. to be used for the...
Four-Power Pact of 1933 four-pronged four-quadrant multiplier Four-Quadrant Phase Mask four-real Four-Resonator Filter four-round illumination diamond four-seater four-sided four-sidedly four-socket server four-spot Four-square four-square house ...
Meat prices are rocketing, and 100,000 sheep are being imported from Australia. From BBC After months of rocket attacks from the Hamas-controlled territory, Olmert ordered a major Israeli assault, Operation Cast Lead, at the end of December, triggering three weeks of intense fighting. From BBC...
Anybody else would have given you in charge and got you three months for the assault. You ought to have some consideration for your wife and children, and your own character—even if you haven't any for your old mate's feelings. Here, drink this, and let me fix you up a bit; the...
war lingo— usecriticizedinstead ofattacked, or choose a better verb to describe what the candidate is doing, i.e.,challenging, doubting, etc. Also avoidable:launch an assault, take aim, open fire, bombard. AP Deputy Managing Editor for Standards Tom Kent lays out the thinking behind the ru...