Asexual reproduction (biology definition): a mode of reproduction in which the offspring comes from a single parent organism, and not from the union of gametes as it is in sexual reproduction Reproduction is one of the biological processes that are commonly carried out by an organism. In fact,...
Perhaps the fixed location of many plants makes this type of reproduction particularly suitable. Also occurs in MICROORGANISMS. There are several types of asexual reproduction, including: fission (see BINARY FISSION where the entire organism splits into two (e.g. bacteria). BUDDING: new individuals...
anisogamy- (biology) reproduction by the union or fusion of two differing gametes (especially differing in size) isogamy- (biology) reproduction by the union or fusion of gametes of the same size and structure reproduction- the process of generating offspring ...
asexual inBiology topic From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English a‧sex‧u‧al/eɪˈsekʃuəl/adjective1technicalnot havingsexualorgansor not involvingsexasexual reproduction2a)not having any sexualqualitiesb)not interested in sex—asexuallyadverb ...
Biology definition: Reproductionis one of the most fundamental attributes of any living thing. It is the process of production ofviableoffspring/s by organized bodies where the offspring can be an exact clone of the parent (asexual reproduction) or unique (sexual reproduction). ...
in many different animals and fungi. Binary fission is a type of asexual reproduction where the resultant offspring is identical both visually and genetically to the parent organism. Budding is similar to binary fission, but the difference in budding is that, while genetically identical to the ...
noun , Biology. reproduction involving the union of gametes.Discover More Word History and Origins Origin of sexual reproduction1 First recorded in 1880–85 Discover More Compare Meanings How does sexual reproduction compare to similar and commonly confused words? Explore the most common comparisons: ...
2. Something reproduced, especially in the faithfulness of its resemblance to the form and elements of the original: a fine reproduction of a painting by Matisse. 3. Biology The sexual or asexual process by which organisms generate new individuals of the same kind; procreation. American Heritage...
nounBiology. reproduction, as budding, fission, or spore formation, not involving the union of gametes. Compare Meanings sexual vs. asexual reproductionasexual reproduction vs. sexual reproduction Click for a side-by-side comparison of meanings. Use the word comparison feature to learn the differences...
Biology Bonanza Molecular reproduction The sequence of bases in a DNAmoleculeserves as a code by whichgeneticinformation is stored. Using this code, the DNA synthesizes one strand of ribonucleic acid (RNA), a substance that is so similar structurally to DNA that it is also formed by template ...