ascending colon- the part of the large intestine that ascends from the cecum to the transverse colon arteria ascendens,ascending artery- the branch of the ileocolic artery that supplies the ascending colon large intestine- beginning with the cecum and ending with the rectum; includes the cecum and...
Related to ascending colon:descending colon as·cend·ing co·lon [TA] theportionofthecolonbetweentheileocecalorificeandtherightcolicflexure. Synonym(s):colon ascendens[TA] FarlexPartnerMedicalDictionary©Farlex2012 Thefirstsegmentofthecolon,whichbeginsintherightlowerquadrantoftheabdomenatthecaecumandendsa...
Ascending colon definition: the first portion of the colon, beginning at the cecum in the lower right abdominal cavity and continuing upward along the right posterior abdominal wall to approximately the lower ribs.. See examples of ASCENDING COLON used i
n.colon, porción del intestino grueso entre el ciego y el recto; ascending ___→___ ascendente; descending ___→___ descendente. English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 colon ncolonm;ascending —colon ascendente;descending —colon descendente;sigmoid —colon sigmoideorsigmoideo;spas...
As we’ve seen since, there are some pitfalls of ascending to that next level of popularity as a sport … FromLos Angeles Times Say goodbye to the beach for now just before Cactus Point, ascending the stairs with a black railing to Pearl Street and then turning right on Ocean Way. ...
the part of the large intestine extending from the cecum to the rectum; it is divided as follows: theascending colonpasses upward from the cecum to the lower edge of the liver, where it bends and becomes the transverse colon; thetransverse coloncrosses the abdominal cavity from right to left...
In humans, there are four parts of the colon: ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid.Definitions of colon noun the part of the large intestine between the cecum and the rectum; it extracts moisture from food residues before they are excreted see more noun a punctuation mark (:) ...
The meaning of SIGMOID COLON is the contracted and crooked part of the colon immediately above the rectum —called also sigmoid flexure.
The meaning of ASCENDING AORTA is the part of the aorta from its origin to the beginning of the arch.
the innermost lining. Involvement is limited to the colon and rectum without skipped areas. Inflammation may be limited to the rectum (referred to as ulcerative proctitis), but usually is more extensive, extending variable distances to involve the sigmoid, descending, transverse, and ascending colon...