1.(Grammar)grammar a.standing in apposition b.another word fornonrestrictive 2.(Biology) of or relating to apposition 3.(Grammar) of or relating to apposition n (Grammar) an appositive word or phrase apˈpositivelyadv Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 ...
The meaning of APPOSITIVE is a pair or occasionally a series of usually adjacent words, phrases, or clauses (especially nouns or noun equivalents) that have the same referent and that stand in the same syntactical relation to the rest of the sentence (su
1. Appositives are an efficient way to include information. 2. They can be a way of showing emphasis. An appositive is a noun or a noun phrase that is positioned next to another noun to rename or describe it in a different way. (The word appositive is from the Latin for to put near...
Middle English apposicioun, apposicion "addition, application, apposition in grammar," borrowed from Medieval Latin appositiōn-, appositiō "application, addition, syntactic juxtaposition," going back to Late Latin,"application, addition," going back to Latin, "comparison," from apposi-, variant ...
Like appositives, explanatory phrases provide a sentence with more information or an explanation for why something has happened. Whereas appositives are specifically noun phrases that describe another noun, explanatory phrases can be any type of grammar construction. ...
Like appositives, explanatory phrases provide a sentence with more information or an explanation for why something has happened. Whereas appositives are specifically noun phrases that describe another noun, explanatory phrases can be any type of grammar construction. ...
placing together or bringing into proximity; juxtaposition; the addition of one thing to another thing: The new parking structure was built in apposition to the library. In grammar, a syntactic relation between expressions having the same function and relation to other elements in the sentence, wit...
Explore appositive phrases. Learn the definition of an appositive phrase and understand its different punctuations. Discover various appositive...
She appreciated hertolerance. (Individual units of “tolerance” cannot be counted.) 11. Appositive nouns Nouns that are used to add specificity or additional context to a noun in the sentence are known as appositive nouns.Appositive nouns give extra information about the subject and make sentences...
InEnglish grammar, anappositiveis anoun,noun phrase, or series of nouns placed next to another word or phrase to identify or rename it. The word "appositive" comes from the Latin for "to put near." Nonrestrictive appositives are usually set off bycommas,parentheses, ordashes. An appositive...