aplastic anemia Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to aplastic anemia:Fanconi anemia n. A condition in which the bone marrow fails to generate adequate numbers of new red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. It can be caused by a genetic disorder, infection, exposur...
The meaning of APLASTIC ANEMIA is anemia that is characterized by defective function of the blood-forming organs (such as the bone marrow) and is caused by toxic agents (such as chemicals or X-rays) or is idiopathic in origin.
due to failure of thebone marrowto produce red and white blood cells as well as platelets.Aplastic anemiafrequently occurs without a known cause. Known causes include exposure to chemicals (for example, benzene, toluene in glues, insecticides, solvents), drugs (for example,chemotherapydrugs, gold,...
: a condition in which the blood is deficient in red blood cells, in hemoglobin, or in total volume see aplastic anemia, hyperchromic anemia, hypochromic anemia, megaloblastic anemia, microcytic anemia, pernicious anemia, sickle cell anemia compare oligocythemia 2 : ischemia anemic adjective or...
anemia nanemia;aplastic —anemia aplásica;hemolytic —anemia hemolítica;iron deficiency —anemia ferropénica (form), anemia por deficiencia de hierro;pernicious —anemia perniciosa;sickle cell —anemia falciformeordrepanocíticaorde células falciformes;sideroblastic —anemia sideroblástica ...
aplastic anemiaseeaplastic anemia. autoimmune hemolytic anemia(AIHA) an acquired disorder characterized by hemolysis due to the production of autoantibodies against one's own red blood cell antigens. Blackfan-Diamond anemiacongenital hypoplastic anemia(def. 1). ...
In 2017, Guimaraes was forced to take 20 months of medical leave after he developed aplastic anemia after being exposed to toxic smoke and benzene on the job, according to the lawsuit. FromLos Angeles Times In the 1960s in North Carolina, Adams and her family would take her sister Linda,...
Aplastic Anemia This illness results when the bone marrow makes insufficient blood for the body. The condition results in lower than expected levels of RBCs, white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets. It may either be inherited or acquired. Acquired cases may come on suddenly or develop slowly....
2. With mortgage loans designated as nonrecourse, meaning the lender and borrower agreed in advance that the property would stand for the debt and there would be no deficiency allowed in the event of foreclosure. The Complete Real Estate Encyclopedia by Denise L. Evans, JD & O. William Evans...
rarely aplastic anemia due to infiltration of BM, spleen, lymph nodes; 10% have platelet counts of < 20 x 109/L–US: < 20,000/mm3, 20% have thrombocytosis; 1-80% of nucleated RBCs are hairy Lab ↑ Acid phosphatase, especially isoenzyme 5–which is ↑ in bone metastases and in Gauche...