Noun1.anaphylaxis- hypersensitivity reaction to the ingestion or injection of a substance (a protein or drug) resulting from prior contact with a substance drug- a substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic anaphylactic shock- a severe and rapid and sometimes fatal hypersensitivity reaction ...
Anaphylaxis is a severe, life-threatening reaction. If you or someone around you experiences anaphylaxis, call 911 immediately. Anaphylaxis causes hives, swelling, low blood pressure, difficulty breathing and possible loss of consciousness. It also causes itching, flushing, pallor, a swollen tongue an...
The meaning of ANAPHYLAXIS is hypersensitivity (as to foreign proteins or drugs) resulting from sensitization following prior contact with the causative agent.
Anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening allergic reaction which includes throat or tongue swelling, vomiting or diarrhea, skin rash, dizziness, low blood pressure, shortness of breath due to narrowing of airways, and low blood pressure. The reaction may occur within minutes or even seconds ...
Post the Definition of anaphylactic to Facebook Facebook Share the Definition of anaphylactic on Twitter Twitter Medical Definition anaphylactic adjective ana·phy·lac·tic ˌan-ə-fə-ˈlak-tik : of, relating to, affected by, or causing anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock ...
anaphylaxis anaplasia anaplasmosis anaplastic anaplasty anaplerosis anaplerotic anaplerotic reaction Anapnograph Anapnoic Anapodeictic Anapophysis Anaprox anapsid anapsid reptile Anapsida Anaptotic Anaptychus anaptyxis Anapurna anarch anarchal anarchic ...
Symptoms of Anaphylaxis We know that anaphylaxis is caused by an allergic reaction, but what symptoms appear? A specific allergen depends on the person, and may be a food, an insect bite or sting, a medication, or an item like latex. After exposure to the allergen, the immune system kicks...
Anaphylaxis is a severe reaction that is rapid in onset and may lead to death. The prevalence of anaphylaxis seems to be increasing. However, knowledge about the epidemiology of anaphylaxis is based on data from various sources: clinical practice, large secondary clinical and administrative databases...
Anaphylaxis, in immunology, a severe, immediate, potentially fatal systemic allergic reaction to contact with a foreign substance, or antigen, to which an individual has become sensitized. Food allergies are the most common triggers of anaphylaxis, follo
anaphylaxis [ an-uh-fuh-lak-sis ] Phonetic (Standard) IPA noun , Pathology. exaggerated allergic reaction to a foreign protein resulting from previous exposure to it.Discover More Other Words From an·a·phy·lac·tic [an-, uh, -f, uh, -, lak, -tik], adjective an a·phy·lac ti·...