analog input analog recording analog watch Analogal analog-digital converter analogic analogical analogically Analogicalness analogise analogism analogist analogize Analogon analogous analogous computer analogously analog-to-digital converter analogue analogue clock analogue computer analogue recording analogue watch...
analogue - of a circuit or device having an output that is proportional to the input; "analogue device"; "linear amplifier" analog, linear electronics - the branch of physics that deals with the emission and effects of electrons and with the use of electronic devices digital - of a circuit...
A pulse modulation technique in which the amplitude of an analogue signal is converted to a binary value represented as a series of pulses. PDM Pulse-duration modulation. A modulation technique for encoding the amplitude of a signal right into a pulse width or duration of another signal, ...
• An analog computer or ‘analogue computer’ which is used to process analog data. • Today most commonly type of computer that input information using discrete rather than continuous, is called digital computer that use ‘binary digits’. Generally following Computer hardware components are req...
To embed or insert audio signal an audio inserter or audio embedder can be used. An audio to HDMI inserter device features a HDMI input and various audio inputs. For example, an audio embedder device may have an optical input and two RCA sockets for an analogue audio signal. The device ...
Tension: analogue device; AD215BY. Sensors implemented in a self-produced three-phase power transducer board [18]. (Right) acquisition panel (LabView 6.1). Figure 11. Reference signal (A-0.30 330) (𝑑ndn = 0.30 mm; p = 330.2 MPa; P = 21.57 kW; f = 0.54 Hz; 𝑄wQw = 2.37 L...
The sub-items were first measured using a Likert scale or Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) method. Next, the numerical values of the sub-items were averaged to obtain the mean score for each element, and the sum of the values was used to determine the degree of play. Table 1. Playability ...
Definitions of analogue noun something having the property of being analogous to something else synonyms: analog, parallel see more adjective of a circuit or device having an output that is proportional to the input “analogue device” synonyms: analog, linear see more ...
Hi, I have the following question: A signal x(t) which is band-limited to 10kHz is sampled with a sampling frequency of 20kHz. The DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform) of N= 1000 samples of x(n) is then computed. To what analogue frequency does the index k=120 respond to? I'm trying...
Analogue recording definition: a sound recording process in which an audio input is converted into an analogous electrical waveform. See examples of ANALOGUE RECORDING used in a sentence.