The meaning of ORDINANCE is an authoritative decree or direction : order. How to use ordinance in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Ordinance.
ordinance - an authoritative rule regulation game law - a regulation intended to manage or preserve game animals prescript, rule - prescribed guide for conduct or action age limit - regulation establishing the maximum age for doing something or holding some position assize - the regulation of weight...
Yes,ordinanceis in the scrabble dictionary ...and is worth15points by itself. find more words you can make below Ordinance Definition AChristianrite,especiallytheEucharist. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition ...
a.the act of conferring holy orders b.the reception of holy orders 2.the condition of being ordained or regulated arrangement or order Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, ...
The meaning of INORDINANCE is the quality, state, or an instance of being inordinate.
ORDINANCE, legislation. A law, a statute, a decree. 2. This word is more usually applied to the laws of a corporation, than to the acts of the legislature; as the ordinances of the city of Philadelphia. The following account of the difference between a statute and an ordinance is extra...
Define Equivalent ordinance. means an ordinance of a city, state, or other jurisdiction which is comparable to the cited statute and defines essentially the same offense, even if the language of the ordinance differs or procedural points or methods of pr
an authoritative direction or instruction;command;mandate. Synonyms:injunction,decree,fiat,ordinance,ukase a command of a court or judge. a command or notice issued by a military organization or a military commander to troops, sailors, etc. ...
An Adult Book Store,Adult VideoStore, Adult Motion Picture Theater, or Adult Entertainment Establishment, as defined in this Ordinance. Adult Entertainment Bylaw: No adult Entertainment Establishment, Adult Bookstore,Adult VideoStore, Adult Par- aphernalia Store, or Adult Motion Picture Theater may ...
An Ordinance Amending Procedure for Disposal of Abandoned Vehicles The Common Council of the City of Cedarburg, Wisconsin, does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Section 10-5-4 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Cedarburg is hereby amended as follows: "SEC. 10-5-4 DISPOSAL OF AB...