Summary: New Delhi [India], Jun 5 (ANI): The Indian Army has recovered empty ammunition of various kinds found in Pokharan Field which appear to be blinds recovered from impact area of the range. Empty ammunition of various kinds found in Pokharan Field Councillors Zafar Uddin and Linda Lew...
The meaning of PRESS is a crowd or crowded condition : throng. How to use press in a sentence.
Army, a large organized force armed and trained for war, especially on land. The term may be applied to a large unit organized for independent action, or it may be applied to a nation’s or ruler’s complete military organization for land warfare. Learn
The meaning of DEBACLE is a great disaster. How to use debacle in a sentence. The Origin of Debacle Is French
involved marches,boycotts, and extensive efforts ofcivil disobedience, such assit-ins, as well as voter education and voting drives. Most of these efforts were local in scope, but the impact was felt at the national level—a model of civil rights organizing that has since spread all over the...
army-surplus adj 1.(Military) originating from or related to the sale of army surplus 2.(Clothing & Fashion) originating from or related to the sale of army surplus Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, ...
the regular forces of an army or navy. that part of an administrative organization consisting of persons actively engaged on a given project. Comparestaff1( def 5 ). a thread, string, cord, rope, or the like. a clothesline: the wash hanging on the line. ...
to obtain (rations, clothing, equipment, weapons, or ammunition) from an issuing agency, as an army quartermaster. Nautical.(of a vessel) to need (a specific depth of water) to float: She draws six feet. to leave (a contest) undecided; finish with neither side winning, as in a tie....
Hackers short on time can hire an army of bots instead. Hackers expect to pay about$25 per hourfor an army of infected devices. A typical Smurf attack unfolds via these steps: Spoofing:The hacker creates network packets that appear to come from the target's server. ...
Table 2. Diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers of sepsis. Angpt2/1, Angiopoietin 2/Angiopoietin 1; APACHE, Acute Physiology And Chronic Health Evaluation; AUC, Area under the curve; Bio-ADM, Bioactive Adrenomedullin; CaPT, Calprotectin; CRP, C-reactive protein; HMGB-1, High-mobility group protein...