The meaning of APPRAISAL is an act or instance of appraising something or someone; especially : a valuation of property by the estimate of an authorized person. How to use appraisal in a sentence.
The meaning of APPRAISAL is an act or instance of appraising something or someone; especially : a valuation of property by the estimate of an authorized person. How to use appraisal in a sentence.
Some types of insurance policies also require appraisals of goods being insured. Homeowners and renters insurance policies protect policyholders against losingpersonal propertydue to theft or damage. These blanket policies cover items up to a preset dollar limit. Obtaining an appraisal of a home's co...
appraisal (əˈpreɪzəl) or appraisement n 1. an assessment or estimation of the worth, value, or quality of a person or thing. See also performance appraisal 2. (Banking & Finance) a valuation of property or goods Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition...
FromVoice of San Diego The shuttered indoor skydiving center that the city last year converted into a homeless service hub will soon get an independent appraisal at a federal housing agency’s request. FromVoice of San Diego The late naughts marked the beginning of an entirely new form of re...
Simply put, an appraisal is an unbiased evaluation of a property, asset, or financial situation. This evaluation is conducted by a qualified appraiser who takes into account various factors to determine the fair market value or worth of the subject being appraised. ...
On this page, you'll find the legal definition and meaning of Appraisal, written in plain English, along with examples of how it is used. What is Appraisal? “Determined by a professional appraiser, the estimated value of a property. History and Meaning of Appraisal An appraisal is the es...
andaza View English Meanings of:takhmeenahandaza Thesaurus Synonyms and Antonyms forappraisal Synonymsappraisementassessmentestimateevaluationjudgmentopinionpricingratingreckoningstocksurveyvaluation Antonymsdisregarddisrespect International Languages Meaning forappraisalfound in 2 Languages. ...
Appraisal (redirected fromAppraisals) Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Medical,Financial,Encyclopedia. Related to Appraisals:Real Estate Appraisals A valuation or an approximation of value by impartial, properly qualified persons; the process of determining the value of an asset or liability, which enta...
Google Share on Facebook (redirected fromappraisers) Thesaurus Legal Financial ap·praise (ə-prāz′) tr.v.ap·praised,ap·prais·ing,ap·prais·es 1.To estimate the price or value of:appraise a diamond; appraise real estate. 2.To make a considered judgment about; assess or size up:ap...