wound,lesion- an injury to living tissue (especially an injury involving a cut or break in the skin) 2.abrasion- erosion by friction attrition,corrasion,detrition eating away,eroding,erosion,wearing,wearing away- (geology) the mechanical process of wearing or grinding something down (as by part...
pluralabrasions Britannica Dictionary definition of ABRASION 1 [count]:an injury caused by something that rubs or scrapes against the skin She fell and suffered cuts, bruises, andabrasions[=scrapes] on her legs. 2 [noncount]:the act or process of damaging or wearing away something by rubbing...
The meaning of ABRASIVE is causing damage, wear, or removal of surface material by grinding or rubbing : tending to abrade. How to use abrasive in a sentence. Abrasive Has Latin Roots
The meaning of ABRASION is a wearing, grinding, or rubbing away by friction. How to use abrasion in a sentence.
1. Causing abrasion: scratched the stovetop with an abrasive cleanser. 2. Harsh and rough in manner: an unpleasant, abrasive personality. n. A substance that abrades. a·bra′sive·ly adv. a·bra′sive·ness n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyrigh...
Define Abrasion. : means the process of scraping or wearing down by friction. A wearing, grinding, or rubbing away by friction which in any instance do not arise as a result of the normal wear and tear of the Insured Device.
Skin,hide,peltare names for the outer covering of animals, including humans.Skinis the general word:an abrasion of the skin; the skin of a muskrat.Hideapplies to the skin of large animals, as cattle, horses, or elephants:a buffalo hide.Peltapplies to the untanned skin of smaller animals...
Scald definition: to burn or affect painfully with or as if with hot liquid or steam.. See examples of SCALD used in a sentence.
The abrasive properties vary over a wide range, and may depend on factors not related to the quantity and properties of abrasive particles. For different deposits, statistically significant factors are not the same. On average, the abrasion index for a population of coals decreases upon reduction ...
The meaning of BRUISE is an injury involving rupture of small blood vessels and discoloration without a break in the overlying skin : contusion. How to use bruise in a sentence.