(redirected fromAggressive Behaviour) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Unjustified planned, threatened, or carried out use of force by one nation against another. The key word in the definition of aggression is "unjustified"—that is, in violation ofInternational Law, treaties, or agreements....
ready to attack or oppose; quarrelsome.He's a most aggressive boy – he is always fighting at school.agresivo agˈgressivelyadverb agresivamente agˈgressivenessnoun agresividad agˈgression(-ʃən)noun (a feeling of) hostility.agresión ...
International Review of Psychiatry, 2(1), 91-100.Gardner W , Moffatt C ( 1990 ): Aggressive behavior: definition, assessment, treatment . Int Rev Psychiatry 2 : 91 – 100 .Gardner, W.I. & Moffatt, C.W. (1990) Aggressive behaviour: definition, assessment, treatment. Int Rev Psychiatry ...
apparently compliant behavior, with intrinsic obstructive or stubborn qualities, to cover deeply felt aggressive feelings that cannot be more directly expressed. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 pas·sive-ag·gres·sive be·ha·vi·or ...
passive-aggressive behavior(redirected from Passive-aggressive behaviour) pas·sive-ag·gres·sive be·hav·ior apparently compliant behavior, with intrinsic obstructive or stubborn qualities, to cover deeply felt aggressive feelings that cannot be more directly expressed. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary...
aggressive [əˈgresɪv] ADJ 1. (= belligerent) [person, animal, behaviour]→ agresivohe was in a very aggressive mood→ estaba muy agresivo 2. (= assertive) [salesman, company]→ enérgico, agresivo; [player]→ agresivoaggressive marketing techniques→ técnicas fpl de marketing agresiva...
Changing consumer behaviour will take some time. Activity near the birds' nest is bound to affect their behaviour. (specialist) to study learned behaviours the effects of social media on attitudes and behaviours aggressive/negative/unacceptable/violent behaviours They encourage patients to adopt healthy...
Seals have been known to exhibit aggressive behaviour towards swimmers. They became increasingly aggressive as the evening wore on. There's no need to get aggressive. aggressive towards somebody She warned that her dog was aggressive towards strangers. see also passive-aggressive Extra ExamplesTopics ...
slang Brit aggressive behaviour, esp by youths in a gang [C20: from aggravation] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ag•gro (ˈæg roʊ) n. Brit. Inform...
A questionnaire survey has been carried out among 825 members of the Royal Dutch Touring Club (In Dutch: ANWB) in order to investigate: (1) what is meant by aggressive traffic behaviour; (2) which deviant behaviour occurs frequently; and (3) how aggressive behaviour is evaluated. It appears...