(redirected fromAddition polymerization) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia po·lym·er·i·za·tion (pə-lĭm′ər-ĭ-zā′shən, pŏl′ə-mər-) n. 1.The bonding of two or more monomers to form a polymer. 2.A chemical process that effects this bonding. ...
The meaning of ADDITION POLYMERIZATION is polymerization without formation of a by-product —distinguished from condensation polymerization.
Achainmoleculemadeup ofrepetitionsofsmallerchemicalunitsormoleculescalledmonomers.Polysaccharides,forinstance,arelongchainsmadeup ofrepeatedunitsofsimplermonosaccharidesugars.ProteinsarepolymersofAMINO ACIDS.Polymerizationistheprocessofcausingmanysimilaroridenticalsmallchemicalgroupstolinkup toformalongchain.FromGreek,poly,...
The meaning of ADDITION POLYMER is a polymer formed without formation of a by-product. How to use addition polymer in a sentence.
- chemistry, an addition polymer is a polymer that forms by simple linking of monomers without the co-generation of other products. Addition polymerization...- Ladd's Addition is an inner southeast historic district of Portland, Oregon, United States. It is Portland's oldest planned residential ...
addition polymerization: A form of polymerization in which copies of a <xref>monomer</xref> are repeatedly added to one end of an existing <xref>polymer</xref>
1.strictly,acomplexoftwoormorecompletemoleculesinwhicheachpreservesitsfundamentalstructureandnocovalentbondsaremadeorbroken(forexample,hydratesofsalts,adducts); 2.loosely,associationofacidswithbasicorganiccompounds(forexample,amineswithHCl); 3.moreloosely,additionoftwomoleculeswithoutthelossofanyatombutresultinginfor...
are artificial. Polymers have extremely high molecular weights, make up many of the tissues of organisms, and are used to make such materials as plastics, concrete, glass, and rubber. ♦ The process by which molecules are linked together to form polymers is calledpolymerization(pə-lĭm′...
the combination of many like or unlike molecules to form a more complex product of higher molecular weight, with elimination of water, alcohol, or the like condensation polymerization, or without such elimination addition polymerization. the conversion of one compound into another by such a process....
Word origin:Greekpolumerēs(consisting of many parts):polu-,poly– (“many”) +meros(“part”) See also: polymerization monomer Related term(s): Addition polymer Condensation polymer Related form(s): polymeric (adjective, of, or consisting of, polymer) ...