Definition of Acid What is an Acid? There are two main definitions of acid: theBronsted-Lowryacid and theLewis acid. Bronsted-Lowry Acids Bronsted-Lowry acids arespeciesthat donate aproton(H+). For example hydrogen chloride acts as an acid in water, donating a proton to water:...
Definition Of Acids An acid is a chemical substance whose aqueous solutions are characterized by a sour taste, the ability to turn blue litmus red, and the ability to react with bases and certain metals (like calcium) to form salts More About Acids Aqueous solutions of acids have a pH of ...
Define acidness. acidness synonyms, acidness pronunciation, acidness translation, English dictionary definition of acidness. n. 1. Chemistry a. Any of a class of substances whose aqueous solutions are characterized by a sour taste, the ability to turn bl
Adj.1.acid-fast- not easily decolorized by acid solutions; pertains to micro-organisms (especially the tubercle bacillus that causes tuberculosis) imperviable,impervious- not admitting of passage or capable of being affected; "a material impervious to water"; "someone impervious to argument" ...
One of a class of compounds, generally but not always distinguished by their sour taste, solubility in water, and reddening of vegetable blue or violet colors. They are also characterized by the power of destroying the distinctive properties of alkalies or bases, combining with them to form ...
Synonyms of acid 1 : a sour substance specifically : any of various typically water-soluble and sour compounds that in solution are capable of reacting with a base (see base entry 1 sense 6a) to form a salt, redden litmus, and have a pH less than 7, that are hydrogen-containing ...
The meaning of ACIDULOUS is somewhat acid or harsh in taste or manner.
an acid phosphate. having a pH value of less than 7.Comparealkaline(def4). sharp or biting to the taste; tasting like vinegar; sour: acid fruits. sharp, biting, or ill-natured in mood, manner, etc.: an acid remark; an acid wit. ...
Acid, any substance that in water solution tastes sour, changes the color of certain indicators (e.g., reddens blue litmus paper), reacts with some metals (e.g., iron) to liberate hydrogen, reacts with bases to form salts, and promotes certain chemical r
having only a part of the hydrogen of an acid replaced by a metal or its equivalent: an acid phosphate. having a pH value of less than 7. Compare alkaline ( def 4 ). sharp or biting to the taste; tasting like vinegar; sour: acid fruits. sharp, biting, or ill-natured in mood, ma...