Define Abstract idea. Abstract idea synonyms, Abstract idea pronunciation, Abstract idea translation, English dictionary definition of Abstract idea. etc. See under Abstract, Association, etc. See also: Idea Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, publi
The meaning of ABSTRACT is disassociated from any specific instance. How to use abstract in a sentence. The Crisscrossing Histories of Abstract and Extract
an abstract idea. expressing a quality or characteristic apart from any specific object or instance, as justice, poverty, and speed. not applied or practical; theoretical: abstract science. difficult to understand; abstruse: abstract speculations. Fine Arts. of or relating to the formal aspect of...
Adj.1.abstracted- lost in thought; showing preoccupation; "an absent stare"; "an absentminded professor"; "the scatty glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused intelligence" absentminded,scatty,absent inattentive- showing a lack of attention or care; "inattentive students"; "an inattentive ...
a : the act or process of abstracting : the state of being abstracted b : an abstract idea or term 2 : an artistic composition or creation having designs that do not represent actual objects abstractive -ˈstrak-tiv adjective More...
Abstraction definition: an abstract or general idea or term.. See examples of ABSTRACTION used in a sentence.
abstracts in APA format also include keywords to help the reader find the paper in search results and to give a more specific idea of the topics the paper will cover. The abstract's job is to help the reader decide whether they should read the entire article as part of their own ...
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Democracy or Republic: What's the difference? Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay ...
The meaning of ABSTRACT is disassociated from any specific instance. How to use abstract in a sentence. The Crisscrossing Histories of Abstract and Extract