zero [ze´ro] 1. the absence of all quantity or magnitude; naught. 2. the point on a thermometer scale at which the graduations begin. The zero of the Celsius (centigrade) scale is the ice point; on the Fahrenheit scale it is 32 degrees below the ice point. absolute zero the low...
absolute zero The lowest possible temperature of matter, at which all molecules stop moving. Absolute zero is equal to -459.67°F or -273.15°C. The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Hou...
The meaning of SMALL is having comparatively little size or slight dimensions. How to use small in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Small.
The meaning of SMALL is having comparatively little size or slight dimensions. How to use small in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Small.
Related to absolute scale:absolute zero,Kelvin scale,Absolute scale of temperature A temperature scale having absolute zero as the lowest temperature. The Kelvin scale is an absolute scale. The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harc...
2.the point on a thermometer scale at which the graduations begin. The zero of the Celsius (centigrade) scale is the ice point; on the Fahrenheit scale it is 32 degrees below the ice point. absolute zerothe lowest possible temperature, designated 0 on the Kelvin or Rankine scale; the equ...
Learn the definition of Absolute and browse a collection of 1000 enlightening community discussions around the topic.
Learn the definition of Absolute and browse a collection of 1000 enlightening community discussions around the topic.
A Primer on Investing in Transformative Technology Investopedia / Joules Garcia What Is Quantum Computing? Quantum computing is an area of computer science that uses the principles of quantum theory. Quantum theory explains the behavior of energy and material on the atomic and subatomic levels. ...
In computer science, a heuristic refers to a method of solving a problem that proves to be quicker or more efficient than traditional methods. This may involve using approximations rather than precise calculations or techniques that circumvent otherwise computationally intensive routines. ...