Aboriginal National Network Initiative Aboriginal National Theatre Trust Aboriginal Nations Super League Aboriginal Native Title Elders Consultants Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada Aboriginal People's Awareness Week Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards ...
The meaning of ABORIGINAL is being the first or earliest known of its kind present in a region. How to use aboriginal in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Aboriginal.
The meaning of NATIVE is inborn, innate. How to use native in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Native.
1aboriginal/ˌæbəˈrɪʤənl̟/adjective Britannica Dictionary definition of ABORIGINAL always used before a noun 1 :of or relating to the people and things that have been in a region from the earliest time aboriginal[=native] plant species ...
1.(Peoples) Also called:Aboriginala member of the indigenous people who were living in Australia when European settlers arrived 2.(Languages) any of the languages of this people. See alsoAustralian3 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers...
aboriginal in Nationality & race topic From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishab‧o‧rig‧i‧nal1 /ˌæbəˈrɪdʒɪnəl◂/ adjective 1 (also Aboriginal) relating to the Australian aborigines2 formal relating to the people or animals that have existed in a place ...
Powley definition of Métis misses people.The article focuses on the confusion brought about by the Powley definition of Métis people in Canada which the Senate Standing Committee on Aboriginal Peoples is trying to resolve.NarineShariEBSCO_AspWindspeaker...
What do indigenous people do on vision quests? What is traditional Indigenous education? Where is the Haida tribe from? Who are the Cree Indians? What are indigenous cultural studies? What role does kinship play in Aboriginal culture? What is a brief history of the Salish and Pend d'Oreille...
Aboriginal Rightsmeans all inherentaboriginal rights and interestsof the Algonquin People, includingwithout limiting the foregoing, aboriginal landuse and occupationto the traditional and hereditary territories of the Algonquin People; Sample 1 Aboriginal Rightsmeans a right, interest, title orentitlement to...
Since Abo is simply a shortened form of Aborigine or Aboriginal, one could easily think that it is as neutral and inoffensive a term as Aussie is for an Australian. However, Abo is as highly offensive to Australian Aboriginal people as nigger is to African Americans in the United States. ...