wallet (ˈwolit)noun 1.a small (usuallyfolding) case made of soft leather, plasticetc, carried in the pocket and used for holding (especiallypaper) money, personal papersetc.He has lost all his money – his wallet has been stolen.cartera ...
Share the Definition of wallet on Twitter Twitter Kids Definition wallet noun wal·let ˈwäl-ət 1 : a bag or sack for carrying things on a journey 2 : a small flat folding pocketbook with compartments (as for coins, paper money, and cards) also : billfold More...
The meaning of OFF is from a place or position; specifically : away from land. How to use off in a sentence.
down - cause to come or go down; "The policeman downed the heavily armed suspect"; "The mugger knocked down the old lady after she refused to hand over her wallet" knock down, push down, pull down, cut down submarine - bring down with a blow to the legs...
I left my wallet home. The wound left a scar. to allow to remain in the same place, condition, etc.: Is there any coffee left? to let stay or be as specified: to leave a door unlocked. to let (a person or animal) remain in a position to do something without interference: ...
Understand what share of wallet is. Learn the definition of share of wallet and its significance. Discover how to calculate the share of wallet...
Here’s an example ofloseandlooseused correctly in a sentence. Example:If you carry around loose cash, you could lose it—put it in your wallet. Want to learn more? Read the full breakdown of thedifference betweenloseandloose. Quiz yourself onlosevs.loose!
A paper wallet is a piece of paper with your private and public keys printed out. Some paper wallets might also have a scannable barcode created by an app. It is a way to store and take access to your cryptocurrency offline. When you print your keys, they areremovedfrom the cryptocurrency...
M1, also called narrow money, is often synonymous with money supply in reports from the financial media. This is a count of all of the notes and coins that are in circulation, whether they're in someone's wallet or a bank teller's drawer, plus other money equivalents that can be conver...
WalletPassApi com.huawei.wallet.hmspass.service WalletPassApiResponse WalletPassStatus Server APIs HUAWEI Wallet Object hwWalletObject Definition Parameters Example fields status relatedPassIds locationList barCode valueObject localized Loyalty Card APIs Registering a Loyalty Card ...