ability to protect himself from violence, abuse or neglect is significantly impaired through physical or mental disability or illness, through old age or otherwise. There are new offences in England and Wales which may be committed when the death of a vulnerable adult has been caused or allowed....
Both Kohut and Kernberg focus on disturbances in early social (parental) relationships as the genesis of adult narcissistic personality disorder. Also, both view narcissism at its core as a defect in the development of a healthy self. According to Kohut, the child’s self develops and gains ...
child’s attempt to take refuge in some aspect of the self that evokes admiration in others—a defense that ultimately results in a grandiose and inflated sense of self. Narcissists, in Kernberg’s view, are grandiose on the outside butvulnerableand questioning of their self-worth on the ...
A statute of limitations is a law that defines the maximum amount of time in which parties involved in a dispute must initiate legal proceedings following an alleged offense. The duration of a statute of limitations varies depending on the nature of the offense and the location of the jurisdicti...
Maltreatmentmeans the neglect, abuse, or financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult. Pretreatment coatingmeans a coating which contains no more than 12% solids by weight, and at least 0.5% acid by weight, is used to provide surface etching, and is applied directly to metal surfaces to provide...
WHALER, mar. law. A vessel employed in the whale fishery. 2. It is usual for the owner of the vessel, the captain and crew, to divide the profits in just proportions, under an agreement similar to the contract Di Colonna. (q.v.) ...
Research suggests that persons who consume a high-calorie diet are especiallyvulnerableto weight gain when under chronic stress, owing to elevated levels of the hormoneinsulin. High insulin levels in a part of the brain known as theamygdalaeventually desensitize neurons to the hormone. Once desensiti...
industrial melanism in the peppered mothThe dark (melanic) morph of the peppered moth (Biston betularia) is inconspicuous on a soot-covered tree. In contrast, the light gray form stands out, leaving it vulnerable to predation by birds. The gradual darkening of the wings of the melanic peppe...
While such theories are controversial, masking experiments in general do clearly indicate that in human beings there is a brief period (100 to 200 milliseconds at most) during which a percept is highlyvulnerableto disruption. Whatever its exact mechanism, the phenomenon of masking manifestly demonstra...
Research suggests that persons who consume a high-calorie diet are especially vulnerable to weight gain when under chronic stress, owing to elevated levels of the hormone insulin. High insulin levels in a part of the brain known as the amygdala eventually desensitize neurons to the hormone. Once...