(redirected from Vector spaces)Also found in: Encyclopedia. vector space n. A system consisting of a set of generalized vectors and a field of scalars, having the same rules for vector addition and scalar multiplication as physical vectors and scalars. American Heritage® Dictionary of the ...
The meaning of VECTOR SPACE is a set of vectors along with operations of addition and multiplication such that the set is a commutative group under addition, it includes a multiplicative inverse, and multiplication by scalars is both associative and dist
Definition of Vector Space
Understand the motivation behind the vector space axioms. Discover properties of abstract vector spaces. Learn about vector spaces through theory...
c.An element of a vector space. 2.An organism, such as a mosquito or tick, that carries disease-causing microorganisms from one host to another. 3.A bacteriophage, plasmid, or other agent that transfers genetic material from one cell to another. ...
Understand the concept of the basis of a vector space and related concepts and properties. Learn how to find the basis of a vector space using...
The meaning of VECTOR is a quantity that has magnitude and direction and that is commonly represented by a directed line segment whose length represents the magnitude and whose orientation in space represents the direction; broadly : an element of a vect
A quantity or portion of extension; distance from one thing to another; an interval between any two or more objects; as, the space between two stars or two hills; the sound was heard for the space of a mile. Put a space betwixt drove and drove. Gen. xxxii. 16. 4. Quant...
a long span of memory. Aeronautics.the distance between the wing tips of an airplane. a limited space of time, as the term or period of living: Our span on earth is short. Mathematics.the smallest subspace of a vector space that contains a given element or set of elements. ...
The meaning of SPACE is a period of time; also : its duration. How to use space in a sentence.