territory [ter-i-tawr-ee,-tohr-ee] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun ,pluralter·ri·to·ries. any tract of land; region or district. the land and waters belonging to or under the jurisdiction of a state, sovereign, etc. Synonyms:sovereignty,dominion,domain...
(redirected fromTerritory (animal)) Dictionary Thesaurus Legal Encyclopedia Wikipedia ter·ri·to·ri·al·i·ty (ter'i-tō'rē-al'i-tē), 1.The tendency of individuals or groups to defend a particular domain or sphere of interest or influence. ...
The meaning of NEIGHBOR is one living or located near another. How to use neighbor in a sentence.
1.(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the state or rank of being a territory 2.(Zoology) the behaviour shown by an animal when establishing and defending its territory Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 20...
The meaning of TERRITORY is a geographic area belonging to or under the jurisdiction of a governmental authority. How to use territory in a sentence.
2.scope for freedom of action, thought, etc; freedom from restriction:his parents gave him a great deal of latitude. 3.(Photography)photogthe range of exposure over which a photographic emulsion gives an acceptable negative 4.(Astronomy)astronomySeecelestial latitude ...
Territory, territorialisation and territoriality are polysemicconcepts. Efforts to come up with a shared notion have beennumerous, and also quite effective. But the etymology of theLatin word territorium had actually a plurality of meanings.In the Middle Ages the concept was mainly associated to the...
The territory is rich with natural resources, including rare earth minerals and oil, and occupies a strategic location for trade as global powers seek to expand their reach in the Arctic Circle. FromBBC "Famine is the most extreme manifestation of human suffering, representing a catastrophic collap...
Territory of Manufacture means the country where the Products is made. Sample 1Sample 2 Based on 2 documents SaveCopy Territory of Manufacture means the State or territory having regulatory authority over the organisation responsible for the production and airworthiness of a Civil Aeronautical Product or...
The meaning of VIRGIN TERRITORY is an experience or situation that is new for someone. How to use virgin territory in a sentence.