In economics, taxes fall onwhoever pays the burden of the tax, whether this is the entity being taxed, such as a business, or the end consumers of the business’s goods. From an accounting perspective, there are various taxes to consider, including payroll taxes, federal and state income ...
The status of independent contractor carries with it many tax ramifications. For example, an employee shares the costs ofSocial SecurityandMedicaretaxes with his or her employer; whereas an independent contractor is responsible for the entire amounts. Yet independent contractors generally qualify for mo...
1.(Economics) a taxation system in which a tax on one commodity, usually land, is the only source of revenue 2.(Economics) such a tax Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 20...
经济学定义(Definitionofeconomics) Grossdomesticproduct(GDP)referstothesumofthemarket valueofallthefinalproducts(goodsandservices)produced byacountryoracertainregionwithinacertaintime. Grossnationalproduct(GNP)referstothevalueofthefinal productproducedbythetotalproductionfactorsofacountry's peopleinacertainperiodof...
reducing economic efficiency by introducing deadweight losses. For example, a sales tax on a certain product increases the price, thereby reducing sales. These lost sales are considered a deadweight loss because they represent potential economic activity that was not realized because of the sales tax...
the total amount ofTAXATIONpaid by the citizens of a country in the form of income tax, corporation tax, value-added tax, etc. The total amount of tax as a proportion ofGROSS NATIONAL PRODUCTgives some indication of the overall tax burden. See alsoINCIDENCE OF TAXATION. ...
Types of Tax Structures Lesson Summary What is a Tax Structure? Taxesare mandatory charges levied by a government to provide a source of revenue for government expenses. Taxes can be collected bynational governments, states, and even local governments like counties and cities. Taxes allow governmen...
The Value of a Comprehensive Tax Base as a Tax Reform Goal Tmns paper evaluates the extent to which a comprehensive definition of income should be used as the base of the personal income tax. In doing so, a normati... JD Bossons - 《Journal of Law & Economics》 被引量: 0发表: 1970...
Praxis Economics (5911) Study Guide and Test Prep Browse by Lessons Tax Implications When Selling of a Business Partnership & Partner Elections for Federal Tax Purposes Annual Accounting Scheme: Definition, Exceptions & Taxation Charitable Gifts: Definition & Types Partner's Basis in the Partnership ...
See TAXATION, PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION, INCOME TAX SCHEDULES. Collins Dictionary of Economics, 4th ed. © C. Pass, B. Lowes, L. Davies 2005 income tax A tax on income. A simple concept, but one that requires thousands of pages of IRS statutes, regulations, revenue rulings, and court ...