bell captain- the supervisor of bellboys in a hotel counsellor,counselor- someone who has supervisory duties at a summer camp den mother- someone who plays the role of a den mother; "he serves as den mother to all the freshmen in this dormitory"; "she's the den mother to new secretarie...
bell captain- the supervisor of bellboys in a hotel counsellor,counselor- someone who has supervisory duties at a summer camp den mother- someone who plays the role of a den mother; "he serves as den mother to all the freshmen in this dormitory"; "she's the den mother to new secretarie...
The meaning of SUPERVISOR is one that supervises; especially : an administrative officer in charge of a business, government, or school unit or operation. How to use supervisor in a sentence.
Supreme Court case "Vance v. Ball State University" regarding who is a supervisor in cases where an employee asserts a Title VII claim for workplace harassment. Topics discussed include of employment discrimination law under Title VII of the U.S. Civil Right Act, laws to prevent unlawful ...
SUPERVISOR. An overseer; a surveyor. 2. There are officers who bear this name whose duty it is to take care of the highways. A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856. ...
The meaning of SUPERVISOR is one that supervises; especially : an administrative officer in charge of a business, government, or school unit or operation. How to use supervisor in a sentence.
As production supervisor, you won't be expected do the production work yourself. According to the supervisor definition, your job is to oversee or manage production workers. A supervisor is a member of first-line management, just above the workers, who reports to more senior managers. ...
Supervisor definition: a person who supervises workers or the work done by others; superintendent.. See examples of SUPERVISOR used in a sentence.
supervisor Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Legal,Acronyms,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. an employee withRESPONSIBILITYfor monitoring the work of others to ensure that they fulfil work targets generally established by middle managers. As such supervisors usually have littleAUTHORITYin their own right, they ofte...
You cansupervisea project or process as it’s happening, but most of the time the word refers tosupervisingpeople, especially parentssupervisingtheir children or a manager orsupervisorsupervisingtheir employees. The noun form ofsuperviseissupervision. Someone beingsupervisedis said to beunder supervision...