A grain of allowance a great deal A great gross A greegree man A hard case A horizon a hundred times A into G A jug of water a Kempis à Kempis Thomas A kind of à la a la carte a la Florentine à la française à la king ...
2.(Zoology) the eyestalk of a crab or similar crustacean 3.(Zoology) any similar stemlike structure [C18: from Latin; see stipe] stipiform,stipitiformadj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006...
and the students must be the primarybeneficiariesof the employment or training—not the company. Also, a stipend may be lower than the minimum wage as long as it's used to pay trainees.
The meaning of STIPENDIARY is one who receives a stipend. How to use stipendiary in a sentence.
A stipend is a fixed, regular payment, usually meant to pay for something specific. It's kind of like an allowance, but for grownups — a college scholarship might include a stipend each semester for books, for example.
How to usestipendin a sentence I also introduced the “Golden Girls Bill” that would give astipendto seniors who rent rooms to other seniors, allowing them to age-in-place while also creating small communities of support and companionship. ...
The meaning of PAY is to make due return to for services rendered or property delivered. How to use pay in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Pay.
stipend wage Discover More More About Pay what is a basic definition ofpay? Paymeans to give money to someone to settle a debt or obligation.Payalso means to give money in exchange for something.Payis also a person’s salary or wages.Payhas many other senses as a verb and a noun. ...
Ask Company Culture Questions During Interview Avoid simply asking, “Tell me about your company culture.” Instead, you should have alist of questionsbeforehand regarding specific culture subjects that are important to you. Maybe you want to know more about how the teams operate. Maybe you want...
Organizational culture, or company culture, is the shared values, attitudes and practices that make up the identity of an organization. It largely shapes employee behavior and interactions within a company. What Is Organizational Culture? Organizational culture, also known as company culture, refers to...